Passions Recaps: The week of September 17, 2007 on PS

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Passions Recaps: The week of September 17, 2007 on PS
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the week of September 17, 2007
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September 10, 2007
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September 24, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Gwen handed her son over to Ethan, telling him that the boy was Ethan's son, but Theresa was confused because she knew that Gwen was incapable of having a child. Ethan wanted to know how it was all possible, and Gwen explained to him that she had missed a period after leaving Harmony. She'd thought it had been stress but had then realized that she had indeed been pregnant. Ethan called it a miracle.

Meanwhile, Gwen looked at Theresa in a gloating fashion. Theresa was shocked beyond belief. Ethan wanted to know details such as the baby's birthday, and Pilar was eager for Gwen to give Ethan the answers. In addition, Ethan asked Gwen why she hadn't told him sooner. She told Ethan that she had her reasons and that Theresa would understand. Gwen tried to get a rise out of Theresa by telling Ethan that she would not deliberately keep such important information from him, since it would be so unforgivable.

Gwen wanted her son to know his father. She refused to let him call another man "daddy," and Ethan was in total agreement. In addition, Gwen stated that she had been angry and depressed after the baby had been born, which had almost led to a nervous breakdown. Gwen hoped that Ethan could forgive her, and Ethan stated that he understood. He also stated that he was feeling so many things that he had never felt before and that having a son changed everything.

Pilar demanded that Theresa tell Ethan the truth right away because she would live to regret it. Theresa refused and told Pilar that Gwen had just had her baby. Pilar told her that was no excuse and urged her not to make the same mistake again. Theresa finally said that she would tell Ethan the truth and added that Gwen might have his baby, but she couldn't have Ethan.

Luis insisted on calling the hospital while Fancy collapsed to the floor. Alistair wanted to make sure that Luis didn't call 9-1-1, so he sent Pretty over to prevent that from happening. Pretty showed up, and Luis filled her in. He asked her to call 9-1-1, but Fancy awoke and insisted that she didn't need a doctor. All along, Pretty was pretending she was calling 9-1-1, but that had never been her intent, since Alistair had sent her over to make sure that Luis had not gotten through to the hospital. Pretty reinforced that Fancy was okay by stating that Fancy's nosebleeds were not unusual, since she'd experienced them while growing up.

On the other side of the room, Alistair increased the frequency in hopes of completely controlling Fancy. It was taking its effect, since Fancy started to twitch all of a sudden. Pretty was aware that Alistair was behind it, so she excused herself and left Luis and Fancy alone. Pretty begged Alistair to stop, but Alistair ignored her. Fancy experienced another nosebleed but hid it from Luis.

Tabitha and Kay went to the basement in search of Endora and Miguel, but the basement was not the same anymore. The boys in the basement had disappeared with Miguel and Endora. Tabitha conjured up a martimmy in order to calm her nerves, but Kay was not in the mood to drink, so she conjured up some ice cream.

Tabitha decided to use Boogle, another way of searching the galaxy and the universe, to find Endora and Miguel. She figured that she would have no luck, since the dark forces would be on their guard. Kay worried about Miguel, since he was mortal. She thought that he wouldn't survive, but Endora would somehow be safe. Both Tabitha and Kay were devastated, since their search had been fruitless. They both hugged and comforted each other.

Meanwhile, a desperate Esme tried to revive Fox with Julian's help, to no avail. Esme and Viki cried over Fox's death. Julian questioned how Fox could have gotten shot, but Esme didn't have the answers, since she was in the dark herself. Esme was beside herself with grief because she'd thought that she had finally found love, and it had been taken away from her.

Sheridan was excited that Marty was alive. She ceased communication with Spike in order to focus on Marty. She was overjoyed and promised to go find Luis and tell him the good news. She stated that she, Luis, and Marty would be a family, and Fancy would be out of the picture. Spike urged Sheridan to leave before Sam closed in on them.

Sheridan held Spike at gunpoint, demanding to know where Alistair was keeping Marty. She told him that if he didn't tell her the truth, she would kill him. Spike swore on his mother's grave, and Sheridan believed him. In addition, she told Spike that she was not a monster. She just wanted to find her son.

Sheridan swore to find Marty, and if she was unsuccessful, she would make sure Alistair died. Moreover, she made it very clear that she was hellbent on going after Luis so that they could be a family with Marty. Spike listened to Sheridan blab about Luis and their past lives and thought she was stark raving mad, since Luis was so into Fancy.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Theresa, Ethan, and Gwen triangle continued as Theresa prepared herself to tell Ethan that he was Little Ethan's father. Ethan bonded with his baby, thrilled that he finally had a son. Gwen was worried that Theresa would finally admit the truth while Ethan began to question how Theresa could have possibly known he had a son when Gwen insisted she'd never told anyone her news.

The evil Alistair played a cat and mouse game with Fancy's life, increasing the power to the device in her head, hoping to turn Fancy into a true Crane. A torn Pretty worried about her sister's health, but Alistair was able to charm his granddaughter once again. Luis was incredibly worried about Fancy, and her headaches were becoming more intense. Fancy tried to explain to Luis why she didn't want to go to the hospital. With all the horrible things that had happened in their lives lately, she couldn't take any more bad news.

The tragedy of Fox's murder played out as Ivy arrived home to learn of her son's death. Ivy was crushed, lamenting the time she had lost with her son. Sam was affected as he saw Ivy turning to Julian for comfort.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eve was lonely with her house all to herself, unaware that Vincent lurked in the shadows, prepared to drive his grieving mother mad.

Alistair watched with delight as his implant successfully controlled Fancy, and she hit Luis. When Luis received a call from a desperate Sheridan, Fancy lost herself in anger. Alistair had complete control of Fancy.

Ethan wanted to know how Theresa had known he had a son, when Gwen had never told her or anybody. When Little Ethan and the new baby finally met, Little Ethan was struck by how similar they looked, remarking that they could have been twins. Gwen feared Theresa would admit why that might not be so far off.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It was a major moment as Theresa told Ethan that Little Ethan and his new son looked like brothers because they were. Gwen quickly interrupted and insisted that the boys were brothers in sentiment only. Before Theresa could object, Gwen changed the subject to choosing a name for her and Ethan's child. The obvious choice would be Ethan -- but Theresa had already taken that name. Ethan didn't mind; what mattered most was that he finally had a son, and that was what was important. Unfortunately, Little Ethan heard that and tearfully wondered if his Uncle Ethan still loved him.

Alistair continued to berate Sheridan then suddenly made a move for the laptop he noticed his daughter continually glancing at. Sheridan panicked, knowing Alistair couldn't find out she knew Marty was alive. Sheridan was able to switch the feed to a shot of Fancy's bedroom, and an amused Alistair chastised his daughter for being a Peeping Tom, much as he actually was himself. Sheridan turned the tables on her father, trying to get Alistair to be honest about Marty, demanding to know where her "dead" son's body was.

Esme was stunned that Sam was questioning her like a suspect in Fox's murder. She insisted she'd loved Fox, but Sam reminded her they knew she had been the last to see him alive. Fancy and Luis arrived to hear the horrible news, and Fancy defended her friend, saying Esme might be a drama queen, but she was no murderer. Julian shocked the room by announcing he knew exactly who'd killed his son.

A shaken Eve wondered if she'd only imagined Vincent's phone call while Vincent was carefully setting out to make Eve think she was losing her mind. Eve, confused and distraught, continued to drink and take the pills Vincent had placed out for her. Finally, Eve passed out, only to awaken to her son's voice and the sight of him holding his hand out to her.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Passions did not air on Fridays at this time. The show aired Monday through Thursday, with catch-me-up marathons on the weekends.

Recaps for the week of September 24, 2007 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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