One Life to Live Recaps: The week of May 19, 2003 on OLTL

Carlotta suffered a heart attack as the diner was robbed and hostages taken. Bo longed to tell Matthew the truth. Mitch's presumed-dead brother, Walker, looked after Mitch. Dorian tried not to look pleased when Hank presented her with Mitch's death certificate.
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One Life to Live Recaps: The week of May 19, 2003 on OLTL
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the week of May 19, 2003
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May 12, 2003
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May 26, 2003

Monday, May 19, 2003

It was almost as if the "Voice of the Night" could see into the diner on Angel Square, as the sound of his voice forebode the terror to befall the diner. As Nora and Flash bonded over Matthew's fascination of rock, Cole took over the diner and began robbing the customers.

Carlotta tried to use her cell phone to call Antonio for help, but Cole disconnected the call. Antonio called his mother back, but she told him that everything was okay -- she had only lost the signal, as Cole listened in with a gun pointing to her. Antonio, sensing that something was not right, alerted the police to check out the diner.

As Cole continued ordering the customers around, Carlotta became increasing agitated. Natalie tried to calm the other customers down, including a hyperventilating Marcie and an extremely tense Flash. Cole decided to take Carlotta as a hostage, but just as he tried to leave, he spotted a policeman on foot patrol.

As Antonio grew more worried, his mother began to show signs of having a heart attack. Natalie tried to give her comfort, as she ordered Cole to leave. Antonio called, and Cole reported that he had Antonio's mother along with a room filled with women customers, and if Antonio did not meet his demands, he would kill them all.

Bo talked with Matthew about receiving an A on his project. As Bo said how proud he was of him, Matthew asked if his father would have been proud. Bo wished he could reveal that he was really Matthew's father. After they hung up, Bo received a call regarding the diner holdup.

Natalie managed to send Cristian a text message about the situation in the diner. As Hank, Bo, and Antonio tried to handle the situation from the station, the atmosphere grew tenser in the diner. Natalie managed to knock out Cole with a napkin holder from the diner. He awoke and regained control over the hostages. Carlotta collapsed, as the symptoms of a heart attack overcame her. They managed to convince Cole to allow a doctor to attend to her. Dr. Troy walked in.

Dr. Troy attended to Carlotta and managed to convince Cole to take some "knock-out medicine" telling him that it was aspirin. The police put Cole's mother on the phone, but he refused to talk with her, and he continued to eat the "aspirin." Carlotta's condition worsened.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Mitch regained consciousness again. He told a man he could only see fuzzily through his newly restored vision that people had tried to kill him. The man had seen the fall, rescued him, and asked him for names. Breathlessly, Mitch responded, "Lindsay and Blair. And Dorian, my wife."

Despite the fact that Llanfair might very well revert to Jessica or Viki, the widow Laurence saw no hindrance to making a few changes in the décor. The familiar portrait of Dorian Lord hung over the fireplace, much to Victoria's dismay. Dorian further unveiled the impaled painting of Viki and her father, suggesting, "I'm sure an art restorer can do a great job on that, and won't it cozy up that sweet little cottage you're living in." Their bickering revealed Dorian's confident strategy to contest Mitch's will: he had been suffering from posttraumatic stress when he had revised it.

Threatening criminal charges if so much as "a door handle" was missing from the estate's vast collections, Viki left in a huff and received a call from Bo about Natalie's perilous detainment at the diner. Dorian received another visitor at the door. He announced himself as Walker Laurence. He claimed that his father had lied to his brother about his death and that they'd been in contact recently. Dorian gave her best grieving spouse performance yet, describing her husband's sudden demise. "The money's not important to me," she lamented, continuing, "I'd give it all away if I could just have my husband back."

Angel Square had become an outdoor squad room overrun with emergency workers, police, and concerned family members. Floodlights shone on the exterior of the diner. Bo and Cristian were focused on its entrance while Antonio scrutinized the blueprints of the building for a way to infiltrate. Inside, Troy pleaded, "This woman has had a heart attack. We need to get her to a hospital soon." Cole Avery spun around erratically, shouting, "Nobody leaves!"

As the tranquilizers Troy had substituted for aspirin began to take hold, Nora prevailed as the voice of reason. Cole allowed Troy to leave with Carlotta for the hospital. Through further telephone negotiations, Bo demanded to talk to a hostage and was able to secretly tell Nora, "Avery's mother -- she's his Achilles heel." Realizing the good doctor had slipped him a mickey, Cole insisted on some storytelling to help him stay awake.

Nora began and was able to steer all the ladies' stories toward the topic of motherhood. Flash revealed she had lost a boyfriend when he had discovered she had quietly aborted his baby. Marcie felt responsible for her mother's death due to complications from childbirth. Of course, Natalie had no shortage of grim fairy tales about life with Roxy. The theme of the conversation and the potency of the drugs caused their captor to unravel further.

Attempting to get his edge back, he demanded coffee from Marcie. She was so frightened that she dropped and shattered the smoldering glass pot. On Marcie's behalf, Nora appealed to him, "You have absolutely no use for a hysterical woman," and convinced him to trade her for a last visit with his mother. Viki was on the scene and volunteered to escort Mrs. Avery to the door. She seized the opportunity to rush to Natalie's side.

When Cole ordered Viki to escort his mother back out, Viki refused and offered to take Natalie's place as a hostage. Natalie was visibly awed by her mother's gesture. In the kitchen, Antonio dropped from an overhead vent silently with the agility of Spider Man. Marcie had joined Al at the radio station, and the Voice of The Night used his unique position to send them a message of support over the airwaves. Antonio liquidly slipped into position next to the counter.

Natalie spied his presence and stopped Nora from her selfless suggestion as a lone hostage in place of Cole's first choice, Flash. She wisely urged the other women out. Outside, Bo discreetly spoke into his police microphone, "Disregard this." Then the commissioner bellowed into the megaphone, "Stand down!" Antonio had his cue. Cole hung on to Flash for cover as he yelled out to the police from the diner door.

Antonio surprised the recidivist criminal at gunpoint, giving Flash the opportunity to run away. The two former Statesville inmates put their firearms aside to recreate a fight they'd had in the prison yard. Cole didn't fight fair and reached for his gun again. Antonio hurled his entire body forward in mid-air like Greg Louganis off a high dive and apprehended his aggressor. Pushing Cole's face down onto the counter, Antonio advised, "You have the right to remain silent..."

Joey and Andrew shot some hoops at the community center and bonded over Joey's reluctance to open his heart to new love, their shared profession, and his problem with Jennifer as it had mirrored Andrew's experience with Marty. Jen had a somewhat productive session with Rae Cummings. She suffered a Freudian slip, substituting Flash's name for Natalie's in reference to her troubles with Cristian.

Jen met with Joey "as [her legal] supervisor" on the indoor basketball court and told him she needed "a friend." They engaged in a one-on-one pick-up game, their blond hair whipping around as fast as the basketball. Jen got a bit rough as they played, causing Joey to have more concern for her. Jen seized the opening and kissed him. He kissed her back, and they passionately fell together onto a gymnast's mat.

In the aftermath of their dramatic abduction, the female hostages sought solace. Marcie and Al received word from the radio station's newsroom that the hostage crisis was over. In jubilation, the couple excitedly embraced and kissed deeply. Nora realized that if a tragic event claimed her life, Matthew wouldn't have prior knowledge that Bo was his father.

Flash called Joey, but got no answer. He was quite preoccupied with Jennifer. In her hospital bed, Carlotta apologized for her previous disapproval of Natalie and told her future daughter-in-law, in front of her boys and Viki, that she was a "beautiful, strong young woman." She beamed her gratitude in mellifluous Spanish.

Stroking the church pew that Dorian had donated in Mitch's memory, the man called Walker Laurence promised aloud to himself, "Don't worry, brother, I found out what happened. And I'll get the truth about Lindsay, Blair, and Dorian." Hank paid a visit to Llanfair to question the mourning Mrs. Laurence about her fingerprints at the site of Mitch's demise. She explained that "in my grief," she had gone there after his death.

Hank was openly skeptical. He presented Dorian with Mitch's death certificate. As the district attorney left, her sadly drawn face turned up into a smile, and she giggled. The phone rang, so she gained her respectful composure again to answer it. From his rustic bed, Mitch oozed into the receiver, "Hello, darling."

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Just as Joey and Jen were about to make love, he put a stop to it. They had a professional relationship, and that couldn't be changed, he told her. She just had a need to be close because of her situation in life at the present time, but he didn't think they should ever be alone again, he continued. He didn't deny that he was attracted to her. After she left, he prayed for guidance.

Nora and Bo talked after the hostage situation was over. She was concerned over what would happen to Matthew if she died. Bo declared that he would certainly take over the guardianship of his son, which prompted Nora to happily say that she would arrange to add that to her will. She went to sit with a forlorn Flash, who mentioned that she needed to be alone. She was touched when Nora insisted that she have Nora's house keys and hang out there. She could hardly believe that Nora would trust her with them, and she ran out.

Shortly after, Jen arrived but dashed back outside quickly when she saw Bo and Nora. Nora took off after her and got her to confide her feelings about Joey and her dilemma. Nora relayed the similar incident from years before between Andrew Carpenter and Marty Saybrooke, which had resulted in lots of people being hurt and false accusations being made. She wouldn't want to see the same thing happen with Jen, she explained. Jen's feelings were just too raw at that moment.

Jen didn't think it was the same situation for a minute. Nora guaranteed that she'd find the right guy eventually. Back at the diner, Nora and Bo realized that they were famished and decided that Carlotta wouldn't mind if they helped themselves and left some money behind.

Dorian received a call from someone claiming to be Mitch; she slammed the phone down abruptly, shaken. When the call arrived a second time, she did the same again.

Jessica had a Mitch nightmare and awakened to a concerned Natalie and Viki checking to see if she was all right. They relayed the details of their evening at the diner. Natalie tried to get details on what had happened with Mitch after Viki went out, but Jessica was mute. An accusing Dorian stopped by, demanding to know what Jessica wanted from her, since Jessica was having someone call her. Jessica believed that it was truly Mitch.

Once Natalie returned from making tea and Dorian was gone, Jessica disclosed that Dorian had lured her and threatened harm unless she helped with the plan. She had known that Dorian would never really harm her, but she had gone along, and it was her fault that Mitch was dead. He had been trying to protect her, and she thought maybe she should tell Bo. Natalie discouraged Jessica from going that route, explaining that thanks to Mitch's confession, the family could get their life back. She promised not to tell anyone what Jessica had told her.

Walker explained to Mitch how he had pulled Mitch from the river. He identified their location as their childhood lake house and himself as Mitch's brother. A disbelieving Mitch thought that Dorian could be behind it, but Walker finally managed to convince him after revealing several childhood memories. He tended to his brother's wounds, as Mitch's vision became clearer.

Walker had been able to find Mitch through all of the newspaper articles around and had followed him. Walker had rescued Mitch when he had fallen into the water, happy to be there for him much as Mitch had been around for Walker when Walker had been a child. He and Jessica were the only two people he had ever loved, Mitch swore. They discussed the possibility of Jessica being in on Dorian's plan, but Mitch couldn't buy that, even when Walker said that he had seen the women all leaving together. Mitch wanted Jessica found and taken to him.

Stopping by the church to give thanks for everyone being safe after the hostage situation, Viki noticed her son. Joey confided that he was full of doubt on his chosen profession, though Viki made him realize that he had helped several kids already. Joey confessed some of his problem with Jen without revealing her identity but decided he'd said too much. He could figure it out for himself. Viki relayed details of the diner incident and mentioned how strong and brave Natalie had been. Flash had also been there, she recounted. A shaken Joey needed to find her immediately.

Flash looked for Joey but found Riley instead. She informed him that she had been one of the hostages, and he comforted her. Joey located them shortly after, and Riley departed. Insisting that she was okay, Flash told him that she realized that she'd been given a second chance. A newly arrived Jen overheard and saw them grasping hands.

Jen turned and left, sight unseen. She didn't hear Flash say that she was thinking of visiting C.J. Later, Jen sat with Andrew and divulged that Joey had not acted properly toward her. Andrew wanted to know that she was positive about the serious charges she was making. She was.

A drunken Dorian made toasts to Mitch and the Cramers. She ripped the phone cord from the wall.

Mitch wondered if Jessica had been true to him.

Natalie excused herself, saying that she needed to call Cristian. She advised Jessica that everything would be okay. On the phone, she called an unknown person for help. As Jessica tried to sleep, Walker peered through the window.

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Natalie finally met her father, when Clint flew in from London at her request. Her fears were put to rest when he expressed his happiness to see her.

At Capricorn, Rex convinced Jen to continuing lying about what had really happened between her and Joey. At a table, R.J. continued to try to balance his budget to get enough money to open Ultraviolet. When Evangeline showed up and again offered him a deal, Hank warned her to stay away from his brother.

After Andrew questioned Joey and warned him to stay away from Jen, Joe confronted her. When she called Andrew to the gallery, vowing to tell the truth, she continued with her lies.

At Llanfair, Blair accused Dorian of stealing the diamond from her, not knowing that Mitch had it in his possession. When Mitch demanded to see his daughter, Walker went in search of Jessica then questioned her about the last time she had seen her father. When she lied to him, Walker told Mitch that Jessica had betrayed him. Mitch vowed to teach his daughter a lesson.

Friday, May 23, 2003

After Clint tried to convince Jessica that she wasn't responsible for Mitch's death, they headed to the country cub for Clint's welcome home party. While Clint caught up with his family, Jessica tried to find out what was bothering Joey and was stunned when he snapped at her. He later confided in his father that he shouldn't have become a priest. When Antonio showed up and confronted Jessica with the jacket and told her he had found the missing button, he told her to get rid of it and assured her that Mitch's case had been closed.

Viki became suspicious when she overheard Natalie warning Jessica to stay away from Blair and Natalie. When Asa pushed Cristian too far, Cristian quit his job.

Back at St. Ann's, the storm frightened Addie, who asked to sleep in Lindsay's room and was nearly killed when Mitch put a pillow over her face, thinking it was Lindsay. When Lindsay found the body and screamed, the nuns rushed in and called the police, who attempted to arrest Lindsay, but she escaped.

Walker went to visit Lindsay at St. Ann's to gain her trust then later found Dorian and Blair at the country club, where Blair tried to convince Dorian that he wasn't a threat. She quickly changed her mind when Walker questioned her about Mitch. Blair and Dorian's concerns grew when they get to Llanfair, noticed a door half open, and got a call about Addie. When Walker got back to the lake house, Mitch told him he had killed Lindsay. Walker tried to stop him from leaving again, but Mitch hit him and took off.

Recaps for the week of May 26, 2003 (Following Week)


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