Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 22, 1997 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of December 22, 1997 on DAYS
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the week of December 22, 1997
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December 15, 1997
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December 29, 1997

Monday, December 22, 1997

Vivian is drinking coffee and ranting to Ivan that she needs this to help her keep Jonsey alive. Dr. Wu examines Jonsey and that Jonsey is healthier than ever! When Dr. Wu says Jonsey may outlive them all, Vivian faints! Before leaving, Dr. Wu tells Vivian she should go on the same health program she put Jonsey on because she looks like she's aged 10 years in the last month! Ivan encourages Vivian to take Jonsey off the health plan because he may relapse into his old condition. Jonsey shows up with some Christmas decorations and everyone begins to decorate. Jonsey holds some mistletoe over Vivian and expects a kiss. Jonsey starts chasing Vivian around the house and then tells Vivian they need to consummate their marriage. Suddenly Jonsey realizes he has to go to work! Vivian and Ivan are both puzzled that Jonsey has a job. Before leaving, Jonsey says tonight he and Viv will have a bubble bath together. Vivian and Ivan go to Salem Place to shop and think about what they should do about Jonsey.

Lucas is getting ready to take Will to see Santa but Sami stops him and tells him he's not taking Will anywhere! Sami tells Lucas that Austin is taking Will to see Santa, but Lucas informs Sami that he is going because he's not going to miss another milestone in his son's life.

Hope finds Bo asleep at the Horton house and asks him what he's doing here. Bo fell asleep last night after returning with Shawn D. with a Christmas tree. Alice comes down and finds out that Bo stayed all night. Alice has some shades on, which she says is an eye irritation. Bo leaves to make a call and Hope tells Alice not to get excited and tells her why Bo was here. Still, Alice takes it as a good sign.

Abe tries to call Lexie and leave a message, but she surprises him with a visit in person. Abe gets a call from Bo and tells Bo that they found the body of a male, DOA. Back at the Horton house; Alice, Bo, and Hope discuss Jack's situation. Bo tells Alice and Hope about the man's body. Alice hopes it isn't Jack, and Hope says there is nothing worse then losing the man you love. Shawn D. comes downstairs and wonders if his parents are getting back together. Hope just says we'll see and Shawn D. and Alice go into the kitchen to get some blueberry muffins.

Meanwhile Billie realizes Bo never came home and worries that he is with Hope. Billie goes over to the Horton Household and finds out that Bo spent the night there. Billie brings some presents over and invites Hope and Shawn D. over to her place for Christmas dinner. Shawn D. tells Billie that he and his mom are going to the pub. Bo leaves to go to the station and Alice asks Shawn D. to help her get some decorations down. Hope tells Billie she knows what happens and Billie tells her she'd appreciate it if she didn't tell anyone. Hope says of course and she says she also knows about the commitment Bo made to her. That makes Billie happy and says that she loves Bo very much, and Billie says he loves her too. Later, Alice and Hope look at the Horton ornaments. Thinking Billie is gone, Hope tells Alice that once Billie is better she will go after Bo. Billie, hearing this, thanks Hope and says she now knows what she needs to do to keep Bo.

Austin and Carrie are shopping in Salem Place, as are Laura and Mike. Laura says it's hard to get in the Christmas mood without Jack and Jen. Abby shows up with Mickey and Maggie and says she found a book her mommy wanted Laura to read to her. Abby then asks Laura why they haven't heard from mommy yet. Later, Mike almost enters a raffle but stops when he's told the prize is a red convertible. Mike asks Abby what she wants to ask Santa for Christmas, and Abby says he wants her mommy and daddy to come home.

Lucas shows up at Salem Place with Will to see Santa. Austin is shocked because Sami told him that Lucas was busy with meetings! Carrie blasts Sami for lying, and Sami tells her sister at least she's not lying to herself. Sami excuses herself to get a Cappuccino and hands Will to Austin. Lucas and Carrie talk and Carrie admires Lucas for standing up to Sami. Lucas says that if he could have a wish come true that it would be that Sami stops lying. Austin, Will, and Lucas pose with Santa. Sami gives a man a camera and tells him to leave Lucas out of the picture!

Stefano is also in Salem Place and he calls his man Bart to try to find out what is going on with Peter. Later, Rolf calls Stefano at a pay phone so his calls can't be traced. Rolf says he hasn't heard from Peter and that Peter dropped his medication before he left. Rolf has to cut the call short when someone begins banging on his door. The man kicks in the door to the compound and demands Rolf to tell him where Peter is!

Stefano approaches Laura in Salem Place and asks her if there is any news. Laura laughs in his face and warns him if Jack and Jen aren't returned home then she will spend the rest of her life making him pay. Later, Bo tells Laura that the man found dead in the Grand Canyon was Travis.

Peter, flying a plane, is nearing the Grand Canyon. Peter's head is pounding but he says he's too close to Jen to turn back. Peter thinks once he has Jennifer that Jen can take care of him. Back in Salem, Stefano excuses himself to make another phone call, this time to Peter. Stefano tells Peter he must return to the compound and take his medicine or face grave consequences. Peter says he's too close to turn back now and hangs up on Stefano.

Jack has a nightmare that a ranger catches him. Jack wakes up and he and Jen get it on. They eventually get dressed and try to find Peter when they hear something outside the cave. It's just a ranger on the phone, and Jack and Jen hear him say that Travis is dead. Jack and Jen try to leave the cave, but rangers overhead in choppers keep them from leaving. Jack tells Jen that the only way she will get home to Abby safely is if he creates a diversion. Jack then bolts out of the cave.

Up in the air, Peter's plane starts to give out.

Tuesday, December 23, 1997

In the Grand Canyon, Jen ran out and tried to stop Jack from surrendering so he went back in the cave and tied Jen to something and said she could free herself pretty easy but not before he could surrender to the police. Outside Jack hollered not to shoot but they shoot and he has to hide from the bullets. Jen manages to get free and runs out to join him and they both hide. For some reason the chopper leaves and they stand around trying to figure out what to do. Jack yells at Jen as he asks her what they will do next. He says he is thinking up what to do as they go along . They figure they will wait and see if Peter shows up and he has but they haven't seen him yet. His plane ran out of fuel and he was able to land without incident. He is looking for Jen and seems to be just behind every step they make but they don't connect up today on the show.

At Salem Place, everyone is in their Christmas garb and furs. Marlena looks beautiful with her hair up and fur on and Celeste has on a pretty fur too. Marlena and John and their kids have their picture made with Santa so Eric and Sami figure they need to make up for the past and ask Marlena and Roman to join them for a picture with Santa. Viv and Ivan show up looking for Jonesy and she runs into Sami. They talk about the fact that Sami is doing well with Kate and Viv ask her to let her in on the blackmail fun but Sami says she will keep it to herself. Roman overhears Sami but doesn't know exactly what she was talking about and she says tells him she is changing when he ask her what she is up to. When John and Marlena are having a drink together he gets a call from Kristen inviting him to supper. He agrees and Marlena ask him to be careful as they both know how treacherous she can be. Laura is asked to light the Christmas tree this year since she was missing last Christmas. She agrees and all sing O Holy Night. Roman mentions to himself that when he gives Doc her Christmas present they will be together forever and Eric tells Sami the same thing. John runs into Stefano and questions him about Peter but of course he denies knowing anything. John gets a call from the ISA agent who tells John that Peter was not found at the compound and Rolf did not let on that he had been there. Stefano overhears the call and is relieved that Peter was not found but wonders where he is. John goes off shopping and buys a beautiful negligee and the clerk comments that it must be a very special lady. John says yes as Roman comes in and thinks John is buying it for Kristen. He ask if they are getting along better now and John lies and says yes . Roman runs into Doc in the mall area when he leaves the shop and notices they are under mistletoe. Being the nice person she is Marlena obliges Roman with a kiss John and the kids walk up. John quickly hands the kids to Chelsea before they see Mommy kissing that man and says to himself one day he will be with Marlena.

At Kristen's she is excited that John is coming over but Stefano calls after he ran into Celeste at Salem Place and she asked him what he and Kristen had planned for Susan's baby. He told her she better not be up to anything but she hangs up on him and then leaves the phone off the hook. Susan and Thomas are on their way to Salem (he never speaks) as Susan talks to him about helping her get he baby back. Kristen is waiting for John when the doorbell rings. Oh she says he's here but opens the door to find Sister Mary . She said she was there to save souls. Kristen says she is expecting company and to leave but the Sister doesn't listen. The doorbell rings again and this time it's Susan. She says she wants her baby and heads upstairs to get little Elvis. When she comes downstairs Kristen tells her she can't have the baby she signed him over and there's nothing she can do now. Then the door opens and in walks Thomas and all three stand in a row as Kristen asks who are you? Susan and Sister say we are the Banks triplets

Wednesday, December 24, 1997

At the Horton house, Mickey tells the family that there is no word of Jen or Jack in the Canyon. Laura wonders how they will tell Abby her parents aren't coming home. Abby thinks if she hangs her mommy and daddy's stockings then maybe they will come home. Alice wants to hang the ornaments, but Shawn D wants to wait for his dad.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Kate is toasting to Austin and Carrie and Bo and Billie when Sami crashes Kate's party. Kate suggest that they put their differences aside for Will's sake. Sami likes that idea because her grandma invited Kate over to the pub later. Bo tells Billie he has to go to Alice's because he promised to hang Shawn D's ornament with him. Austin, Carrie, Lucas, Sami, and Will head over to the pub. Franco shows up with some presents for everyone. Franco asks Kate if everything is calm, he saw Sami on the way in. Kate says nothing is calm with Sami around, she just hopes Sami never reveals that she hired Franco to break up Bo and Hope. Unknown to Kate, Billie was around the corner and heard EVERYTHING! Billie goes back into the room and talks with Franco.

Bo goes over to the Horton house and hangs his ornaments with all the others. Mike is glad Bo is here because the hospital beeped him with an emergency and he needs a favor.

Kim comes over to the penthouse to see Roman and the kids. Roman tells Marlena he has a big surprise for her this Christmas. Roman and Eric leave and Marlena tells Kim she hates to break Roman's heart again. Kim tells Marlena that in time Roman will understand. Kim tells Marlena that she has some surprises as well, but she needs to get going.

At the Brady pub, Kim surprises Caroline and Shawn with Andrew and Genie! Kim tells them that Kayla and Stephanie are in Germany with Philip, Philip is making a movie there. Celeste and Marlena show up and Celeste tells Marlena that she has this bad feeling about Susan and her baby. Marlena tells her not to worry, John has a plan.

In Salem Place, Auntie Viv runs into her nephew John and pours on the sugar. Vivian wonders if he has any plans for Christmas Eve and John tells her he's spending Christmas with Kristen. Vivian is shocked and asks why he'd want to spend Christmas with her? John leaves (never hear the end of their conversation) and Jonsey shows up. Jonsey is playing Santa! Jonsey tells Vivian that he has a big Christmas surprise for her.

At the hospital, Stefano surprises Lexie with a present. Lexie opens it up and it's some type of scarf or shawl. Stefano says it was his mother's and he'd love it if she wore it for the holiday because he won't get to spend it with her. Abe and Celeste show up, so Stefano leaves. Celeste warns Lexie that if she lets Stefano into her heart he will corrupt it.

Later, Bo reads the Christmas Story to the kids at the hospital as Billie and Franco watch. Franco tells Billie he has a great idea to win Bo back (we never hear what it is). After the reading, Roman and Eric decide to leave to get their surprise ready for Marlena. Jonsey shows up at the hospital to hand out Christmas presents. Jonsey tells Viv that this is her gift, the gift of giving.

At Kristen's, Kristen is surprised to see the Banks triplets. Kristen asks what is going on, and Mary Moira says she'd like to know the answer to that as well. Mary turns to her brother and asks him what he is doing here. Mary says she prayed that their brother would change his wanted ways, but that would take a miracle. Kristen tells Mary that she demands John Jr. be given back because she has legal custody. Kristen goes to get the papers and Susan begs her brother to leave with the baby before Kristen comes back. Mary says" no no no, nobody is leaving this house" until she resolves this dilemma to her satisfaction. Kristen returns with the legal document and Kristen takes the baby from Thomas. Kristen asks them all to leave, but Susan refuses. Thomas tells Susan that he will take care of Kristen, but Mary yells stop! Mary says Thomas always tries to solve things with force and that he should go to midnight mass and pray for serenity. Kristen says if they don't leave she will call the cops, and Thomas says if cops are coming he has to split. Mary says they will all leave, but she warns Kristen that she will pay a price come judgment day.

Back at the pub, Stefano shows up with some gifts for everyone. Lexie tells Stefano he really should go, so her respects her wishes and leaves. Billie and Franco show up and Billie rubs Bo's love for her in Hope's face. Franco talks to Sami and says he hopes they can work together again in the future.

Stefano shows up at Kristen's place. Kristen gives Stefano the brush off and slams the door in his face! Stefano becomes angry and then realizes Kristen is using the baby to win John back. Later, John goes over to the mansion to have dinner with Kristen. Kristen give Kristen a gift, it's perfume they found in Paris that Kristen loved. John said he had it flown over from Paris just for her. Kristen starts crying and John says sometimes he wonders what might have happened if they didn't lose the baby. Kristen then brings up John Jr. and she tells him they can still have the family they always wanted. John asks what she means and Kristen tells him to wait here, she has a surprise. Kristen leaves the room and then we hear her scream! Kristen runs down and tells John that John Jr. was here. When John goes to look outside, he runs right into Stefano who is holding little Elvis. John asks him what he is up to and Kristen shows up demanding he give her back her son. Stefano whisks Elvis out of Kristen's reach though.

Susan and Thomas say goodbye and he tells her that if she needs him again to just call. After Thomas leaves, John gives Susan her little Elvis back. Back at the mansion, Kristen tells Stefano that she'll never forgive him. Stefano blasts Kristen for what she did. Stefano warns her to stay away from the baby and he leaves. Kristen says that Stefano will be sorry, he is her baby now.

Back at the Horton house, the Hortons hang their ornaments. They decide to save Jack and Jen's ornaments for last so Abby can hang them. Alice hangs Tom's ornament and we see some flashbacks of Tom. Mickey says they should go to the pub to be with the Bradys, but Abby says they can't leave because Mommy and Daddy might come home. Everyone goes to the pub, but Alice, Laura, and Abby stay behind. Alice suggests they hang the ornaments up, and they do. However, before they can hang up Jack and Jen's, Jack and Jen show up to do it themselves!

John shows up at the pub and asks Eric where Marlena is. Eric says Roman took her somewhere, he has a surprise for her. Everyone begins to sing Joy To The World. Meanwhile, Roman surprises Marlena with their old house, he bought it back! Marlena is touched and they kiss.

Thursday, December 25, 1997

Due to the Christmas holiday, Days of our Lives did not air today.

Friday, December 26, 1997

Laura calls Abe and tells him that she has heard from Jennifer. She tells him Jennifer is safe, but won't reveal her location. She also tells him Jennifer spoke to Peter on the phone several times, confirming that he is alive and somewhere in the Grand Canyon National Park. Abe promises to let the FBI know, and reassures her that if Peter is there, he will be found. Laura hangs up the phone and goes back to the living room, where Jennifer and Jack are sitting on the couch with Abby and talking to Alice. They recount their adventures, telling Alice and Laura how they got back to Salem by hopping a freight train. Alice looks alarmed at the thought of all the danger they were in, but is happy to have them home safe. They send Abby upstairs to get dressed, and she looks worried and asks Jack if he will still be there when she gets back. They reassure her and she runs upstairs. Jack says that he will have to leave soon, because his presence in the house is endangering Alice and Laura, who are harboring a known fugitive. They both tell him that is nonsense, and Jennifer tells him there is no way he is going to leave her and Abby again; they will just hide out until Peter is caught. Laura and Alice promise not to reveal their presence to anyone, even family. Just then, there is a knock on the door. Jack and Jennifer hide while Laura answers it, and are alarmed to hear that it is Abe and FBI agent. The agent had become suspicious that Laura and Abby were not home for Christmas, and decided to go to Alice's to check them out. The agent asks for permission to search the house. Not wanting to seem nervous, Alice agrees and Laura takes them around the house, praying that Jack and Jennifer had time to hide somewhere. The agent asks to see Abby, who is sitting on her bed in her room - with Jack and Jenn hiding underneath. The agent asks Abby if she knows where her mom and dad are, and she says, "Yes, they're hiding." Laura, Jack, and Jennifer think it's all over, but Abby starts wailing about how the police are after her daddy and she doesn't want him to go back to jail, and Laura tells the agent to stop upsetting her granddaughter. They leave, and Jack and Jennifer crawl out from under the bed and congratulate Abby, who is smiling. She says it was a fun game, and can they play it again some time?

At the convent, Susan is ecstatic to have her baby back, and vows never to be separated from him again. A nun knocks on her door and tells her that a gentleman is here to see her. John comes in and asks how she is doing. She says she is fine, and so grateful to have her baby back that she doesn't know how to thank him. John asks her what happened with Kristen, but Susan won't get specific, only saying that Kristen tricked her into giving up Elvis. John asks if the baby is Stefano's. Susan says that the night he was conceived was a blur, and she doesn't want to talk about it anyway. John tells Susan he cares very much for her, and won't let anything happen to her or Elvis. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves Susan melting, saying, "What a man!" Soon the nun returns to tell her another gentleman is here to see her. Susan barely has time to hope it isn't Stefano when a strange man enters the room and serves her a summons to appear in court and give up custody of little Elvis to Kristen Blake. Susan is stunned and refuses. The man tells her it's her choice, but if she doesn't come, they will arrest her and take the baby anyway.

Kristen is coldly furious that her plans were spoiled at the last minute. Stefano comes to her door, and she screams that he spoiled her plan. He tells her that she has no right to the baby and she should be begging for his forgiveness. Kristen says that John was coming back to her and if he had let her have Elvis, John would have seen what a good mother she was and fallen in love with her all over again. Stefano says she is a fool, and that taking Susan's baby would only alienate John from her further. Besides, it's not a part of his plan. Kristen says she doesn't give a damn about his plans, and he obviously only cares for his real children, Elvis and Lexie, because he has abandoned her and Peter. Stefano is protesting when his phone rings, and he hears Peter on the other line. Peter, who has been stumbling around the Grand Canyon for days, looking for Jenn, has just found a newspaper announcing Travis' death, and has concluded that Jack and Jennifer must be together and halfway to Salem by now. Peter is getting one of his madness headaches again, and begs Stefano to send his private plane to get him. Stefano tells Peter that he is a danger to himself and others if he does not get back to the jungle compound to take his medication immediately (haven't these people ever heard of mail?). Peter says he is fine, and all he needs is Jennifer. Stefano says he can't help Peter because Abe and the FBI are watching him like hawks. Peter says fine, he'll make it back to Salem on his own. Suddenly, he hears the footsteps of a ranger nearby and hides in the brush. The ranger searches the area and reports in to headquarters and then starts to head into the ranger station. He hears a crackling in the bushes and goes to investigate. Like a madman, Peter springs out of the bushes and starts to beat up the ranger, obviously temporarily out of control with the jungle madness. Then he blacks out. When he comes to, he almost stumbles over the body of the ranger. He checks him and finds, to his relief, that the ranger is not dead. Peter knows he has to get out of the area immediately and runs away.

Roman goes to the hospital and finds Mike, telling him that he wants the blood tests as soon as possible so that he can get a clean bill of health and marry Marlena. Mike is harassed and busy, and tells Roman he may not be able to get to him for some time. Roman says he is perfectly willing to wait as long as it takes, because his future with Doc depends on it.

At the penthouse, Eric sits with Marlena and talks about the gift Roman gave her for Christmas - the purchase of their old house. Marlena says she is extremely touched by it, but is still in love with John, and that as soon as Roman is healthy, she will tell him the truth. Eric is furious at her and asks how she could hurt Roman like that. Marlena says she wishes she didn't have to, but it's necessary to stop lying. Eric asks her if John were not in her life, could she fall in love with Roman again? Marlena says maybe, but the question is irrelevant because John IS in her life, and always will be. Eric tells Marlena she owes Roman, because her affair with John almost cost him his life already. Marlena says she begged Roman to stay then, but he wouldn't listen, and she doesn't owe him anything. Eric says he just wishes that Marlena would forget about John and marry Roman again. Just then, the door opens and John says that is never going to happen. Marlena says she is glad John is here and asks Eric to leave them alone to talk. Full of anger, Eric leaves, reminding John before he goes that they just had a lovely family Christmas without him, and if John gets his way, it will be the last they ever have. Marlena apologizes for Eric and says the situation has to end. John asks her what she means, and she changes the subject by asking about Susan's baby. John, who has just come from the convent visiting Susan, tells Marlena that Kristen DID have the baby at the house, and that he was supposed to be her Christmas gift to John. Marlena reacts with amazement, especially when he tells her that when Kristen went to get the baby, he was gone, and Stefano showed up with him, telling Kristen that the baby was Susan's, and allowing John to take Elvis back to his mother. John says that Susan claims Kristen tricked her into letting her have the baby, but he doesn't know how. Both Marlena and John are more sure than ever that Stefano is the baby's father. Marlena then tells John about Roman buying their old house for Christmas. John is shocked and says that must have brought back a lot of old memories. Then he asks her pointblank if she is having second thoughts about telling Roman the truth.

Recaps for the week of December 29, 1997 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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