Henry gets the truth

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Henry gets the truth
All Two Scoops for
The week of August 28, 2006
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Carly wants to be with Jack, and Jack wants to be with her, but seeing Jack with another woman has made her more susceptible to Simon and his plans. It will be interesting to see how this affects her friendship with Katie.

The end of the summer is upon us as the teens of Oakdale all head up to Raven Lake for the final summer event before school resumes. There is a lot of story with all of the teens there that is surely going to be an action packed trip with everything coming together at once. While back in Oakdale, Simon and Carly move closer everyday as they try to move on from Jack and Katie; the never ending saga of Emily, Paul and Meg and Lucinda trying to get Dusty and Lucy back together with lots of mentions of Craig.

The Teens of Oakdale
Maddie has been somewhat the focal point lately as she deals with her rape and the possibility that she could be the Slasher. We all know that she was too obvious a suspect but it seems someone is trying to frame her. Maddie is a troubled young girl with keeping the secret that she was raped by her sister's husband, creepy Louis. As soon as he came to town, you could tell he was the one that did this to Maddie. I am so happy that Henry was able to get her to admit the truth and then tell Eve about her strange husband. The question is: Is Louis the Slasher or is it someone else like maybe Eve? Did Eve know about the rape and is blaming Maddie in some way for her marital discord? Think about it, Eve is a sort of strange herself in addition she is getting cozy with Detective Jack and we all know Jack has a habit of getting involved with not so stable woman - remember Julia Lindsey.

I do have to admit also that this story about Maddie has been written very well. When she came to town she was very hesitant to talk about her past before Oakdale so all the pieces are coming together well in this rape storyline. I just wish she would have talked to Casey to fill him in on her problems.

Now Casey is spending time with Gwen and Maddie doesn't know that this is just friendship. Casey wants to be with Maddie and Gwen wants her marriage to work out. The tangle webs that get created by teens continue to get more and more complicatedly because of the constant interference from outsiders like Jade.

Jade has her hands in so many pies that it is time for the writers to let us know of her real purpose in Oakdale. She continually wants to keep track of what is happening with the Snyders; like seeing Holden and Luke and wanting to hold the new baby. She has even gotten Luke to take her to Raven Lake so she can see Will and admit that she is in love with him or as Barbara would say in love with his trust fund money. I don't really believe that she is love with Will - her motivations seem too calculated to me.

Will wants to be a good husband and if so why would sleep with Jade a second time. He has his mother, his brother (neither of which is much of a creditable influence) and of course, Aunt Kim. Kim told him exactly what he needed to hear without being preachy. She has had her share of experience with her own like Betsy, Franny, Sabrina, Chris and Andy - don't you wish one of them would come home to Oakdale soon?

It is nice to see Luke being a part of the teen scene as he needs to deal with Kevin. Kevin has some major issues of his own and has never treated Luke well. I just have to wonder how the two of them at the lake is going to play. Well the stage is set for anything to happen this week.

Simon and Carly
As much as I want her to be with Jack, I really like her with Simon. As he did with Katie, he has a way of making life fun for the women in his life. With his money and letting Carly run free, she just lights up when she is with him. We know that she wants to be with Jack and Jack wants to be with her but to see Jack with another woman, Eve has made her more susceptible to Simon and his plans. Carly likes Simon as well and I wonder how her possible deeper involvement with Simon will affect her friendship with Katie.

Paul, Meg and Emily
There are days when you see these three and say, "Go Away!" Paul and Emily are two sick people who are constantly plotting and planning instead of just enjoying the good times they have. Then there is Meg Snyder, who can also turn on the scheming if necessary. Meg is doing her best to be a good person and love this man who is terribly flawed. Meg and Paul are a great couple and she brings out the best in him whereas Emily is more of someone that Paul has been able to manipulate to his benefit. We never know what is honest and true when they are together. It would be good if Emily were to find herself another man so we could see how she would be with a man that is not out to use her. Let's hope that this new baby changes her for the better.

Lucinda and her Schemes
Lucinda current plan is to get Dusty and Lucy back together. As Lucy told her grandmother, it is too soon for Dusty. Dusty is not ready to move on yet. Lucy and Dusty definitely have some unfinished business between them. I t will take him some time to get over his loss in addition to the fact that he has Johnny to raise. As Lucinda is trying to do the best thing for Dusty and Lucy, it is too soon. How long do you think it will be before Craig is back on the scene as he being mentioned by quite a few folks lately? He will definitely cause major problems for Dusty.

The Snyder Baby
Well he finally has a name - Ethan Walsh Snyder and it is about time. It is also about time that his mother comes out of this coma. I know we just have to wait for Martha Byrne to return from maternity leave and I know it is soon. She has a lot to catch up on: Jennifer's death, Damian's machinations and departure, the birth and naming of her baby, her friend, Simon coming back to town and Luke's apology for the accident.

Finally, this should be an action-packed week in Oakdale with most of the focus on The Slasher story in Raven Lake because the following week there will be preemptions due to US Open Tennis on Monday, September 4 and Friday, September 8.

That's all I have for now.
Reggie Jackson

Reggie Jackson
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