Weekly catch-up guide and recaps for your favorite soaps
Summaries for the Week of June 17, 2024
Steffy fumed when Ridge rehired Brooke. Poppy and Tom seemed to know each other. Thomas and Douglas returned. Stefan blackmailed E.J. Eli and Lani visited for Juneteenth. Chad and Julie found a possible video of Abigail. Xander told Maggie he had intentionally killed Konstantin. Mac returned from his secret mission. Finn quit when confronted about his drinking. Sam told Carly why Jason had cooperated with the FBI.. Katie was openly hostile to Claire. Tucker conceded Audra had won Glissade. Nick and Sharon shared the ups and downs of their own love story..
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Quick Catch-Up: Soap Central recaps for the Week of June 17, 2024
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The Bold and the Beautiful

What happened the week of June 17, 2024

Steffy fumed when Ridge rehired Brooke. Poppy and Tom seemed to know each other. Thomas and Douglas returned

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Steffy fumed, on the verge of tears, when Ridge overrode her to rehire Brooke to assume some of his executive duties. Brooke confided in Deacon about Hope's crush on Finn and asked Deacon to keep an eye on them. Sheila grinned when overhearing it and hinted to Deacon that she'd prefer it if Finn was with someone more receptive to her. Sheila gave Tom an ominous warning after overhearing him speak with Deacon about her past. While serving Bill and Poppy's table, Tom locked eyes with Poppy. She looked worried as they silently recognized each other. As Ridge questioned Hope about her feelings for Thomas, Thomas and Douglas arrived at Forrester Creations. Katie admitted to Bill that she'd thought that only she and Will would have the family experience with Bill.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on B&B.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our B&B Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

Days of our Lives

What happened the week of June 17, 2024

Stefan blackmailed E.J. Eli and Lani visited for Juneteenth. Chad and Julie found a possible video of Abigail. Xander told Maggie he had intentionally killed Konstantin


Nicole helped Eric post notice for his publication divorce. Tate yelled at Theresa for having broken Brady's heart again. Stefan blackmailed E.J. over Jude's paternity. E.J. withdrew his mayoral recall in exchange for Paulina rehiring him as D.A. Jack visited unexpectedly. Xander confessed to Maggie that he had made an intentional choice to kill Konstantin. Sarah's hunt for Xander's mother hit a dead end. Marlena counseled Leo to learn to love himself. Alex told Theresa that he loved her. Eli and Lani visited for Juneteenth. Chad and Julie found a video of a woman that looked like Abigail. Johnny and Chanel said goodbye to Salem. Theresa fought her feelings for Brady. Steve agreed to confess to having helped Clyde break out. Nicole encouraged Holly to go to the prom with Aaron. Sophia ratted out Tate to Theresa. Brady and Theresa busted Tate and Holly at the Salem Inn.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on DAYS.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our DAYS Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

General Hospital

What happened the week of June 17, 2024

Mac returned from his secret mission. Finn quit when confronted about his drinking. Sam told Carly why Jason had cooperated with the FBI.

GH Logo

Mac returned from his secret mission helping Frisco. Alexis tried to persuade Finn to go to rehab, but he refused. After Elizabeth learned that Finn intended to return to work, she told Portia about his drinking. A furious Finn quit his job when Portia and Terry addressed their concerns with him. Chase asked Stella for advice to keep Violet safe, so she told him to document Finn's drinking. Violet arrived home and found Finn passed out drunk on the floor and bleeding from a cut. Alexis was elated to learn that her disbarment had been reversed, and she'd been cleared to get her law license reinstated. Lucy objected to Scott's plans to file a lawsuit on Heather's behalf for the metallosis. Lucy asked how Scott would feel if Franco's murderer had been diagnosed with cobalt poisoning. Jason warned Anna that John suspected she was head of Pikeman. Anna realized that Valentin had framed her. Spinelli hacked into the FBI files and learned that John had evidence against Carly. Sam told Carly that Jason had cooperated with the FBI to protect Carly. Drew announced that he was running for Congress. Josslyn learned that Gio was an orphan.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on GH.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our GH Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

The Young and the Restless

What happened the week of June 17, 2024

Katie was openly hostile to Claire. Tucker conceded Audra had won Glissade. Nick and Sharon shared the ups and downs of their own love story.

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Tucker faked a medical emergency to delay the Glissade board's vote to oust him. Tucker eventually conceded that Audra had won. Tucker falsely accused Jack of being Audra's anonymous investor. Audra's elation faded when Victor announced that he wanted Kyle to helm Glissade with her. Jack and Traci wrestled with what childhood trauma might have triggered Ashley's alters to emerge. Abby was livid when she found out the Abbotts hadn't told her about Ashley's mental health struggles. Claire nervously fussed over making Johnny and Katie's homecoming special. Johnny gradually warmed up to his new sister, but Katie was openly hostile to Claire. Daniel and Lily avoided arbitration by reaching an amicable compromise over Princess Louisa. Lily told Billy that she was interested in running Chancellor-Winters with him, but only if they divided the company and ran a renamed Abbott-Chancellor together, allowing Devon to take over the Winters side. Devon spotted Billy and Lily celebrating and had doubts about what Lily's intentions truly were. Adam declined Victor's offer to run Newman Media. Victoria agreed to temporarily help Nikki at work, but Victor refused to let it happen. Connor had a breakthrough with his OCD treatment. After Nick noticed a change in Sharon's behavior, she confided that her doctor had changed her bipolar medication. Faith visited her family and revealed that she and Moses had broken up, prompting Nick and Sharon to share the ups and downs of their own love story.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on Y&R.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our Y&R Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.



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