General Hospital Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on GH in 2019

General Hospital summaries from 2019
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January 7 to 11, 2019
Laura was elected mayor of Port Charles. Drew and Kim received the heartbreaking news that Oscar's tumor had not responded to the experimental treatment. Peter was horrified when Anna complained of a headache then suffered a medical emergency that left her blind. Griffin explained that they might not be able to restore Anna's sight. Jordan reached out to Tiffany Hill and Sean Donely for insight about the Ryan Chamberlain murders. Mac confided to "Kevin" that Jordan and Curtis had discovered that both the serial killer loose in Port Charles and Ryan had taken their victims' driver's licenses as mementoes. Franco was stunned when "Kevin" decided to stop seeing him as a patient. "Kevin" suggested that he and Ava leave town for good. Jason and Sam remained suspicious of Shiloh despite Shiloh's willingness to answer their questions. Drew spoke on Cam's behalf when Cam faced a judge for purchasing marijuana. The judge decided to put Cam on probation and warned him to stay out of trouble. Nina was taken aback when Liesl warned that there was something that Nina needed to know about her daughter.
January 14 to 18, 2019
Laura was sworn in as mayor of Port Charles. Crimson hosted a launch party for Lucy's new book. Franco discovered that Aiden had a secret passion for baking. Aiden blossomed when his family supported and encouraged his love for baking. Willow revealed that Charlotte had cheated off a classmate, but Nina accused the other girl of copying Charlotte's test answers. Liesl warned Nina to keep her eyes open because Valentin was not to be trusted. Sam was uneasy when Kristina shared a painful memory about Kiefer during a Day of Dawn session with Daisy. Oscar was heartbroken when he learned that he had less than a year to live, but he was determined to check off as much of his bucket list as possible. Anna regained her eyesight, but the virus that had caused it was tracked to a doctor who had once worked for the DVX. Mike turned violent during one of his memory lapses. "Kevin" asked Ava to leave Port Charles with him and start over somewhere else, but Ava refused to leave Avery behind. Ryan set his deadly sights on Sonny and Carly. Ryan changed plans when Lulu called asking him about a list of Ryan's victims that Laura had mentioned. Ryan stopped by Lulu's office.
January 21 to 25, 2019
Oscar and Josslyn decided to explore the catacombs, but their adventure ended when Oscar had a seizure and the teens became trapped in an old mine. Drew, Carly, Jason, and Sam rescued the teens. Disaster struck when the floor gave out and Jason fell deep into the catacombs. Jason made his way out, but he was overwhelmed by the cold water in the harbor. Sam saved Jason by reaching him before he drowned. Jason and Sam returned to the penthouse and made love. Lulu was horrified when "Kevin" revealed that he was Ryan then attacked her. Lulu was stabbed, but she escaped and reached help before collapsing. Lulu was rushed into surgery, but she remained unconscious. Ryan suffered a headache that left him temporarily blind, but he managed to flee the crime scene without arousing suspicion. Peter was surprised when Jordan asked if he had an alibi for the time that Lulu had been attacked. Robert Scorpio paid Anna a visit to share some important information. Sonny and Carly agreed that it was time for Mike to move into a long-term care facility. Shiloh put his best foot forward when he met Alexis. Franco and Elizabeth were shocked when Jake shared that the kids taunted Aiden by calling him "Gayden."
January 28 to February 1, 2019
Sonny decided that it was time to send Mike to live at the long-term care facility. Laura was overjoyed when Lulu woke up. Ryan's vision was restored, but a second attempt to kill Lulu failed when he was nearly caught trying to smother her. Lulu was unable to name her attacker. Ryan planted evidence that had Jordan and Chase looking at Franco as a possible suspect in the recent spree of murders. Ryan refused to get medical help for his twin when Kevin lost his vision following a headache. Kevin claimed that he and Laura had signed a prenup. Elizabeth talked to Lucas and Brad about Aiden's bullies. Julian warned Brad about Willow. Daisy confessed to Sam. Sam decided that it would be best if she and Jason pretended to break up because Sam could use her relationship troubles to get closer to Shiloh. Alexis attended a Dawn of Day seminar with Kristina. Anna realized that her twin, Alex, might have had contact with Dr. Cabot. Liesl was shocked when she realized that Maxie had taken off her wedding ring. Olivia worried that Dante's disappearance indicated that something had gone terribly wrong.
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February 4 to 8, 2019
Sam took steps to get closer to Shiloh. Jason confided to Carly that his breakup with Sam was just an act. Sonny turned to Anna for help locating Dante, but Anna explained that Dante was too deep undercover to contact without endangering his life. Finn uncovered that Dr. Cabot was living in Sweden. Elizabeth arranged for Lucas and Brad to spend the day at the ice-skating rink with Aiden. Jordan asked "Kevin" to help Lulu recover her memory of the attack through hypnosis. Ryan made certain that Lulu recalled that Franco had attacked her then he planted evidence to frame Franco. Jordan arrested Franco. Ava and Ryan quarreled. Ryan became jealous when he saw Griffin comfort Ava, prompting him to lure Griffin to the hospital's rooftop. Sasha paid Nina a surprise visit. Valentin warned Sasha to avoid Liesl. Maxie persuaded Peter to give Liesl a job. Liesl was not pleased when she realized that Maxie and Peter were close. Oscar was delighted when scans revealed that his tumor had stopped growing. Terry warned Kim and Drew that Oscar had only been given a short reprieve from the inevitable. Alexis met someone new.
February 11 to 15, 2019
Following Franco's arrest, Cam was roughed up defending his mother's honor. Drew officiated Franco and Elizabeth's Valentine's Day wedding in jail. Jordan realized that Franco was innocent and paid him a visit. Jason went to Beechers Corners to get some answers about Shiloh. Kristina felt a spark of jealousy when she saw Sam spending time with Shiloh at the Dawn of Day Valentine's Day party. Shiloh reminded Kristina that she needed to invest more money to attain a greater level of enlightenment. Spencer turned to his uncle for guidance. Sonny was stunned when Carly announced that she was pregnant. Nina announced that she had accepted Valentin's marriage proposal. Peter and Maxie theorized that Liesl had been blackmailing Valentin because Sasha was not Nina's daughter. Finn, Robert, and Anna went to Sweden to confront Dr. Cabot, but the doctor refused to share vital information until his blindness had been cured. Despite Neil Byrne and Alexis' unorthodox introduction, Alexis decided to give therapy a try. Laura decided to follow "Kevin" when he talked to her about their prenuptial agreement. Ryan made arrangements to visit Kevin at Ferncliff.
February 18 to 22, 2019
Laura was stunned when she followed "Kevin" to Ferncliff and found her husband locked up in one of the rooms. Ryan managed to knock out Laura then spirit her and Kevin to the basement, where he held them captive. Ava accepted "Kevin's" marriage proposal. Franco agreed to work with Jordan to lure the killer out of hiding by pleading guilty and taking credit for the murders. Jordan warned Franco that no one, including Elizabeth, could know the truth. Elizabeth refused to believe that Franco had committed the murders, but she couldn't understand why he had pleaded guilty. Cam and Josslyn made plans with Oscar and another friend to drive to Niagara Falls. Kim confirmed Carly's pregnancy, but Carly and Sonny agreed to keep the news about the baby to themselves for a bit. Robert gave Sonny an update on Dante. Shiloh invited Sam on a short trip out of town to see a special place that he promised would be transformative. Harmony warned Shiloh that Jason posed a threat to both Shiloh and Dawn of Day. Maxie took steps to have Sasha's DNA tested. Dr. Cabot revealed that Anna had been a part of a covert experiment on memory transfer. Drew was hit by a blinding headache and passed out behind the wheel of his car. Jordan was struck by Drew's car while walking in the hospital's parking garage.
February 25 to March 1, 2019
"Kevin" persuaded Ava to elope with him to Niagara Falls. Ryan became enraged when he saw Franco in a televised interview, taking credit for the recent murders. Ryan confronted Franco, prompting Franco to tell him about Jordan's plan. Ryan revealed his true identity then stabbed Franco, but Franco managed to escape and leave Jordan a voicemail message warning her that Ryan Chamberlain was the killer. A gravely injured Franco made his way to Elizabeth's house. Jordan suffered extensive kidney damage and required life-saving surgery. Curtis' worst fears were realized when Finn revealed that Jordan needed a kidney transplant. Jason and Drew each underwent surgery to restore their eyesight. Carly told Jason about her pregnancy. Carly warned Jason that Sam might be playing right into Shiloh's hands. Carly caught "Kevin" fawning over his grisly collection. To finance a trip with Oscar, Cam, and Trina to Niagara Falls, Josslyn dipped into a secret "adventure" fund that Jax had set up for her. Maxie and Lulu returned to Lulu's office, where Lulu began to recall snippets of the events leading up to the attack. Lulu and Maxie turned to Mac and Felicia for help. Anna and Robert told Peter about Dr. Cabot's experiment.
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MARCH 2019
March 4 to 8, 2019
Kevin and Laura found a secret passage that allowed Laura to slip out of Ferncliff. Franco survived the stab wound and revealed that Ryan Chamberlain was alive. Kevin was taken to General Hospital, where he underwent surgery to restore his eyesight. Jason feared the worst when he realized that Ryan might have been responsible for Carly's disappearance. Jason and Laura raced to Niagara Falls to stop Ryan. Ava was horrified when she saw Carly bound and unconscious in the trunk of "Kevin's" car. Kevin dumped Carly's unconscious body in a snowy ravine. Ava feared that "Kevin" had suffered a breakdown. Jason and Laura caught up with Ryan and Ava on a footbridge to Canada. Josslyn and Oscar decided to consummate their love, but their plans were cut short when Oscar suffered a seizure. A troubling dream about Julian left Alexis reaching for a bottle of vodka. Daisy was disappointed when Shiloh chose Kristina instead of her for a project. Sam noticed that Daisy became nervous when Sam asked about a tattoo on Daisy's lower back. An undercover operative in Turkey gave Sonny and Robert an update on Dante. Nina introduced Sasha to Michael.
March 11 to 15, 2019
Andre Maddox uncovered that Dr. Cabot had successfully transferred a partial memory from Alex to her twin, Anna. Anna turned to Valentin for help getting a message to Alex. In Turkey, Sonny found an ally in a teenage boy named Dev who helped Sonny track down Dante. Raj gave Dante an extraordinary order. Alexis had a vivid dream about Julian that had her reaching for a bottle, but she called Finn before she took a drink. Molly questioned if Dawn of Day was a cult when Kristina cut off her friendship with Valerie for not accepting Kristina's new DOD friends. Molly informed Michael what Kristina had been up to with DOD. Ryan grabbed Ava as he plunged into the rushing river, but Jason managed to grab Ava's hand and pull her to safety. He also saved Carly, whose baby was safe. Ava was horrified when she realized that the man that she had fallen in love with was her daughter's killer. Ryan's body was not recovered. Elizabeth didn't know if she could move forward with Franco because he had continued to keep secrets from her. Laura confessed that she wasn't ready for Kevin to return home because he hadn't shared with her that Ryan was alive. Chase and Willow agreed to make their relationship official. Sasha warned Valentin that Maxie had questions about Sasha's maternity. Maxie asked Brad to run a DNA test on Sasha's hair sample.
March 18 to 22, 2019
Alex Marick revealed that Anna's implanted memory had been of a man named Boris Mikhailov, who had been killed in an ambush when Alex had failed to adequately protect him. After Alex's eyesight was restored, she hinted to Finn that she had lied to Anna. Anna arranged for the WSB to take Alex into custody. Alex reached out to Valentin for assistance, but he refused to help her. Willow decided to break her lease and quit her job when she learned that Shiloh was in Port Charles. Shiloh paid Willow a visit. Kristina agreed to share an explosive secret to gain admittance to Dawn of Day's elite secret circle known as the Trust. Sonny put his life on the line to rescue Dante. Dante killed Raj. Dante and Lulu enjoyed a passionate reunion. Terry broke the news that Oscar's tumor had grown, and he had less than two months to live. Elizabeth decided to work on her marriage to Franco, despite their trust issues. Cam struggled with his mother's decision to remain married to Franco. Margaux charged Kevin with aiding and abetting Ryan. Ava found support from some very unlikely people. Griffin decided that it was time to leave town.
March 25 to 29, 2019
After Alex Marick was transferred to Steinmauer, Anna asked Robert to dig up whatever he could find on Boris Mikhailov's defection and ambush. Anna and Peter took tentative steps to building a relationship. Dante realized that he'd been brainwashed, so Anna arranged for him to receive specialized treatment at a facility in Wales. Lulu was devastated by Dante's decision to leave town, but she promised to wait for him -- forever if she had to. Kevin urged Laura to file for divorce to protect herself from the backlash of his trial, but Laura admitted that she didn't want a divorce. Kristina began to cut out anyone in her life who didn't accept Dawn of Day. Willow decided to leave town to put some distance between her and Shiloh, but she changed her mind when she saw that Brad had a DOD pamphlet. Jason assaulted Shiloh to send the cult leader a clear message. Shiloh dropped the charges against Jason to score points with Sam. Monica invited Oscar and Kim to move into the Quartermaine mansion. Ava vowed to be ready because she was certain that Ryan would return for her. Maxie received the results of the DNA test that she'd run on Sasha and Nina. Elizabeth had trouble with Aiden's best friend's mother.
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APRIL 2019
April 1 to 5, 2019
Finn confided to Chase that he intended to propose marriage to Anna. Chase was confident that Anna would accept and that Chase would be best man at the wedding. Valentin and Nina had a talk with Principal Schultz about Willow's treatment of Charlotte. Valentin warned the principal that he would not tolerate Willow bullying his daughter any further. Sam took steps to get closer to Shiloh. Margaux scheduled a session with Shiloh. Kristina gave Shiloh the tape recording of the secret that she hoped would gain her entry into the Trust, then she borrowed $10,000 from Julian to pay the entry fee for the inner circle. Jason warned Sam that he did not want Shiloh near Danny again. Oscar and Josslyn spent an idyllic day together until Oscar collapsed and slipped into a coma. Terry warned Drew and Kim that Oscar's condition was grave. Lulu confessed that Dante's departure had devastated her, and she was only pretending to keep it together. Laura urged Lulu to get away for a while with Rocco. Lulu decided to take a trip to Paris. Jordan revealed that Ryan's right hand had been found, but Ava remained convinced that Ryan was alive because Ryan was left-handed, and he would have sacrificed his non-dominant hand to throw off the police. Kevin appreciated Lucy's support, but he reminded her that he loved his wife. Laura was unable to sign the documents ending her marriage.
April 8 to 12, 2019
Things heated up between Peter and Maxie, but Peter pulled back because he didn't want to rush Maxie. Sasha acted as peacemaker between Maxie and Nina. Willow and Chase made love. Drew and Kim told Oscar that his tumor had grown, and there was nothing left to be done. Monica made plans for her grandson to spend his last days surrounded by family at the Quartermaine mansion. Sonny gave Jason the order to take Kristina out of Dawn of Day. Harmony warned Shiloh that Kristina was gone -- as was the distinctive cup that they had used to drug Kristina. Kristina was furious when she woke up in a secluded safehouse and realized what had been done. Sonny hired Neil to deprogram Kristina. Laura, Felicia, and Ava agreed that Ryan was not dead, and they hatched a plan to lure Ryan out of hiding. Finn waited for an opportunity to propose marriage to Anna. Anna confided to Finn and Robert that she feared that Alex might be Robin's biological mother. Spencer and Valentin clashed. Nora Buchanan persuaded the judge to drop the charges against Kevin because Ryan had technically not been a fugitive once the state had declared him dead in absentia. A mystery person spied on Ava.
April 15 to 19, 2019
Sam continued to maintain her pretense of being under Shiloh's spell. Shiloh enlisted Brad's help to deceive Jason. Willow entrusted Michael with her secrets about the son that she had given up for adoption. Michael grew concerned when Willow told him about the ritual to join the Trust, which included divulging a dark secret and sleeping with Shiloh. Alexis was furious that Neil had refused to help her but had agreed to help Sonny. Neil explained that Sonny hadn't given him a choice, and he had only realized once he had talked to Sonny that Alexis and Sonny shared a daughter. Valentin enlisted Nora's help to secure full physical custody of Charlotte. Cameron was suspended from school because he'd beaten up a kid for ridiculing Aiden's sexuality. Franco turned to Nina for assistance. Sasha and Michael hit the sheets. Oscar and Kim moved into the Quartermaine mansion. Oscar asked Ned and Olivia to plan his memorial service. Tests concluded that Ryan's hand had been severed while Ryan had still been alive. A mystery person stalked Ava. Franco told Kevin that he wanted to return to therapy. Laura and Kevin kissed. Kevin received a package.
April 22 to 26, 2019
Oscar made the decision to legally change his name to Oscar Nero Quartermaine. Oscar's friends and family gathered around him in his final days. Oscar asked Jason and Drew to figure out how to be brothers. Oscar recorded a video for Josslyn. Sonny and Carly told Avery about the baby that they were expecting. Anna uncovered proof that she was Robin's mother. Finn tried to find the right moment to propose to Anna, but Robert discouraged Finn from popping the question. Maxie and Peter decided to postpone their first date. Lulu returned to Port Charles, and she proposed writing a story about Ryan from Ava's perspective. Kevin received a package from the Canadian authorities that contained Ryan's left hand. Ava, Laura, Kevin, Felicia, and Mac put a plan into motion to lure Ryan out of hiding. Curtis went to Canada to find out what had happened to Ryan. Jordan confided to T.J. that her remaining kidney was failing. Both Michael and Sasha ended up in the hospital with a nasty virus. Michael heard a shocking confession. Harmony was revealed to be Willow's mother. Willow lied to Harmony about the baby. Kristina's first round of exit therapy with her family did not go well. Alexis leaned on Neil. Shiloh and Jason had a tense encounter. Jason warned Sam that Shiloh had drugged Kristina with narcotics.
April 29 to May 3, 2019
Edward and Lila Quartermaine welcomed Oscar home as he took his final breath. Loved ones were grief-stricken over Oscar's passing. Carly rushed to her daughter's side when Carly received word that Oscar had died. Cameron pretended that he hadn't been deeply affected by his friend's death, but he broke down in solitude. Kim was touched by the outpouring of love for her son, and she leaned on Julian during her time of sorrow. Shiloh tried to take advantage of Drew's grief, but Drew was not receptive to Shiloh's machinations. Shiloh paid Willow a visit to warn her that he would not give up on her returning to Dawn of Day. Willow asked Michael to arrange a meeting with Kristina because Willow wanted to offer Kristina insight into the real Shiloh. Willow cautioned Julian about Brad's association with DOD. Alexis gave Valerie the slip. Kristina made a small breakthrough. Lulu posted various videos online of Ava and Kevin, designed to lure Ryan out of hiding. Curtis spoke to a man named Timmy, who revealed that Ryan's accomplice had been a woman. Jordan learned that she had developed an infection that jeopardized her failing kidney. Milo infiltrated DOD to help Sam. Sam and Jason plotted their next move against Shiloh.
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MAY 2019
May 6 to 10, 2019
Jax returned to Port Charles for an indefinite stay. Robert suggested that Alex had transferred the memories of Peter's conception and birth to Anna. Anna made it clear to both Robert and Finn that she did not want Peter to know that she was not his mother. Peter whisked Maxie off for a romantic date, but things went awry, and unexpected visitors crashed the date. Finn revealed that Kevin Collins was a donor match for Jordan, but additional tests determined that Kevin was pre-diabetic. Kevin was startled when Ava tried to kiss him. Finn and T.J. asked Jordan about her side of the family. Curtis and Laura joined forces and went to Canada to track down a lead on Ryan. A mystery person spied on Curtis and Laura. Kristina experienced a breakthrough, and she returned home with Alexis. Shiloh was delighted when Kristina turned up on his doorstep, but she accused him of attempting to rape her -- and she demanded that he return her pledge and the recording. Jason attempted to steal Kristina's files, but Shiloh had moved the pledges. Sam suggested that she go through with Shiloh's initiation into the Trust -- and record it. Willow confided to Chase that Wiley was her son. Lucas turned to his father for advice about Brad. Brad sought Shiloh's guidance on how to deal with Wiley's birth mother.
May 13 to 17, 2019
Friends and family gathered for Oscar's memorial service, as he had arranged it, and they planted a field of flowers in Oscar's honor. A special fashion editor joined Nina on the red carpet as the 2019 Nurses Ball kicked off. Jax made an impression on Nina. Maxie and Peter made love. Sam attend the Nurses Ball with Shiloh to keep Shiloh occupied while Jason and Spinelli planted recording devices to catch Shiloh initiating Sam into the Trust. Peter expressed an interest in Molly's proposed exposé on Dawn of Day. The principal informed Willow that she would not be invited back when school started in the fall. Michael and Sasha spent time together. Finn was not pleased when he discovered that Robert had replaced Anna's engagement ring with a copy. Anna jumped to the wrong conclusion when she saw Robert with an engagement ring. Mike proposed to Yvonne. Sonny and Carly received news about their baby. Ryan captured Laura and Curtis. Ava and Kevin seized an opportunity to lure Ryan out of hiding.
May 20 to 24, 2019
The 2019 Nurses Ball entertained the people of Port Charles while it raised money for a worthy cause. Finn proposed to Anna. Cameron shared a special recorded message from Oscar to Josslyn. Kevin survived a brush with Ryan. Laura and Curtis raced to Port Charles to warn everyone that Ryan was alive. Jordan's health declined as she suffered a cardiac event. Curtis appealed to Laura to find a way to bring Ryan in alive because Jordan needed Ryan's kidney. Ava lured Ryan to a secluded cabin and quickly turned the tables on him as she confronted him with a loaded gun. Ryan shared heartbreaking details about Kiki's death. Ava succumbed to temptation. Shiloh was shocked when he overheard that Willow had had a child. Willow insisted that she had miscarried, but Shiloh easily saw through the lie. Lucas put the pieces together and confronted Brad about his suspicions that Willow and Shiloh were Wiley's birth parents. Michael and Willow warned Brad and Lucas about Shiloh. Brad refused to believe that Dawn of Day was a cult. Sam went forward with her plan to join the Trust. Jason reached Sam before it was too late.
May 27 to 31, 2019
Kim and Drew decided to scatter Oscar's ashes at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Josslyn was grateful when Kim and Drew gifted Oscar's guitar to her. Ava decided to accept Scott's help when she learned that Ryan had survived the stabbing. Sam confronted Shiloh about his attempt to rape her. Julian turned to Sam for help keeping Shiloh away from Wiley. Sam asked Jason to move back in. Jason gave Willow the envelope containing her pledge as a way of thanking her for her bravery. Kristina opted to burn her pledge rather than share it with her family. Nina was stunned when Jax announced that he had purchased 50% of Aurora Media, which made him the new owner of Crimson. Jax assured Nina that he wanted to work with her to make the magazine more successful. Curtis decided to have a little chat with Ryan about donating a kidney to Jordan. Ryan agreed to help Curtis -- for a price. Franco was honored for his heroic deeds. Maxie decided that it was time for Dante to return home.
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JUNE 2019
June 3 to 7, 2019
Ryan suffered a seizure after an unknown doctor injected him with a mystery substance. Stella persuaded Ryan to donate a kidney to Jordan. After the surgery, Ryan slipped into a coma. Curtis was relieved when Jordan sailed through the surgery without any complications. Elizabeth updated Kevin, Laura, and Franco on Jordan's progress, and each was relieved that they "had pulled it off." Maxie proposed putting Ava on the cover of Crimson because Ava's salacious story was certain to sell issues. Shiloh enlisted Harmony's help to track down his child. Willow stuck to her story that she had miscarried the baby, but Harmony saw through Willow's lies. Julian and Sam took steps to change Wiley's birth records. Julian urged Willow to make certain that Diane destroyed the only remaining copies of Wiley's paperwork. Jason and Sonny provided Margaux with the evidence necessary to arrest Shiloh for sexual assault. Margaux was surprised when Sonny returned her pledge to her. Shiloh threatened to expose Margaux's secret if she followed through on charging him, but Margaux wasn't intimidated because she had decided to resign. Michael whisked Sasha to Martha's Vineyard for some fun.
June 10 to 14, 2019
Ryan was furious when he woke up in Pentonville's infirmary and realized that his kidney had been removed. Ryan vowed vengeance on all who had betrayed him. Jordan deduced how she had ended up with Ryan's kidney, but she was unable to prove her theory. Harmony confessed to drugging Sam and Kristina, so the charges against Shiloh were dropped. Shiloh persuaded a Dawn of Day fan at Mercy Hospital to share Willow's medical records then hired a lawyer to subpoena Willow to appear before family court. Willow opened up to Chase about her father. Margaux uncovered that a DOD member named Douglas Miller had died of a drug overdose under questionable circumstances. Jax enlisted Carly's help to manipulate Ava into selling her story to Crimson because he intended to use Ava's own words to show the world what Ava was truly like. After climbing to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Drew nursed Kim through a bout of altitude sickness. Brad sneaked into Pentonville to talk to Nelle about his predicament with Shiloh. Nelle revealed that she might be up for parole then asked if Brad would be open to her having a relationship with her son. Carly learned that the results of the latest round of tests indicated that the baby might have a birth defect. Josslyn turned to Lucy for help with a séance because Josslyn wanted one last opportunity to say goodbye to Oscar.
June 17 to 21, 2019
Drew offered Curtis a job as the head of security for Aurora Media. Valentin asked Curtis to find out if Jax had an agenda. Mac agreed to be interim police commissioner. Kim asked Julian to have a baby with her, but he gently told her that they should wait until she had time to grieve for Oscar before planning a baby. The teenage boy who had helped Sonny and Dante in Turkey showed up in Port Charles. Josslyn caught Dev in Lulu's home, and she called the police. Sonny persuaded Lulu to drop the charges against Dev then invited Dev to stay at Greystone Manor for the summer. Carly told Sonny that there might be something wrong with the baby. Kevin's suspension was lifted, and he returned to work. Kevin caught up with his old friend Neil. Diane discovered that Neil had been married, and his daughter had died in 2014. Willow opened up to Michael about the details of her father's overdose. Willow was late for court because Principal Schultz had asked to speak to her about an important matter. Shiloh arrived for court to gain access to his son, but first he traded words with Alexis. Alexis warned Diane that Wiley wouldn't be safe until Shiloh was behind bars -- or in the ground.
June 24 to June 28, 2019
Michael found a woman named Carol Lockhart working at a diner in Beechers Corners, and she confirmed that Shiloh had asked her to falsely confess to giving Douglas Miller the drugs that had killed him. Jason was arrested, but Michael helped him escape from jail. Kim asked Drew to have a baby with her, but Drew gently explained that they could never replace Oscar. Kim refused to give up her quest because she was convinced that she could be reunited with Oscar if she had a baby with Drew. Kim mentioned to Shiloh that Julian's son had a custody issue going on. Willow was offered her job back at the elementary school. Willow and Diane refused to comply with the judge's order to hand over records relating to Willow's baby's adoption, so the judge locked them up until they cooperated. Fearing that they might lose Wiley, Brad implored Lucas to consider leaving town, but Lucas decided that it was time to fight Shiloh head-on. Bobbie was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Epiphany shared her own struggle with the disease to let Bobbie know that Bobbie was not alone. Sonny took steps for Dev to remain in Port Charles as Sonny's cousin Devin. Sonny and Carly went for an ultrasound for the baby, but things did not go as expected when Dr. Navarro revealed that the baby might have spina bifida. Sasha announced that she had decided to move to Port Charles. Curtis dissolved his partnership with Sam then took a job with Aurora Media.
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JULY 2019
July 1 to 5, 2019
A mystery woman booked a flight to Port Charles for July 12. Stella received unexpected feedback from an ancestry website about her search. Bobbie was taken aback when Scott proposed marriage to her, but she would only agree to go on a date with him. After fleeing Beechers Corners, Jason went into hiding. Jason sneaked into Pentonville to talk to Harmony about her husband's death. Harmony revealed a damaging detail that implicated Shiloh in murder. Billy Price arrived in Port Charles to demand help apprehending Jason and Michael, but Mac made it clear that Billy didn't have jurisdiction in Mac's town. The governor appointed a new district attorney -- Robert Scorpio. Laura had a heart-to-heart talk with Cameron about Franco. Sonny reached out to Brick for help securing the proper documents for Dev. Ava arranged to meet a psychic in the hopes of making contact with Kiki. Shiloh got his hands on a sample of Wiley's DNA that he hoped to use to confirm his theory that Brad and Lucas had adopted Willow's son. Chase turned to Finn for advice about Willow's incarceration. Kristina opened up to Alexis in a therapy session about the secret that Kristina had given to enter Shiloh's Trust.
July 8 to 12, 2019
Hayden returned for Elizabeth and Franco's wedding reception. Finn and Hayden talked, but she didn't admit that she had lied about miscarrying Finn's baby. Jax hired Hayden as CFO of Crimson. Valentin and Nina suspected that Jax was connected to Cassandra Pierce. Someone shoved Liesl overboard, but she was rescued before she perished in the water. Harmony agreed to testify against Shiloh and to provide proof of his various crimes -- including the murder of her husband, Douglas Miller. Oscar bequeathed his shares of ELQ to Shiloh, but there were several roadblocks that prevented Shiloh from seizing control of the stock. Shiloh received the results of the DNA test on Wiley, but he was arrested before he could read them. Michael persuaded Lucas to rip up the DNA test results. Willow was released from jail. Kim drugged Drew then attempted to have sex with him, but Julian's timely arrival put an abrupt end to Kim's plan to conceive a child. Kim agreed to seek professional help right away. Ava met with a psychic named Sibley Gamble, who had promised to act as a conduit to Kiki. Nina recognized her mother's old friend, and she accused Sibley of being a charlatan. Maxie and Peter went to Ithaca to talk to Dante, but he refused to see them. Maxie entered Dante's room just as a shot rang out. Jason caught Dev trying to steal from Laura.
July 15 to 19, 2019
Maxie was horrified when Dante shot Peter in the shoulder. Peter returned to Port Charles for treatment, and he forbade Finn from telling Anna. Dante sent Lulu divorce papers. Michael and Sasha made their relationship official. Nina was filled with regret about her role in Willow's legal woes with Shiloh. Diane announced that Judge Walters had dismissed Shiloh's case against Willow in light of Shiloh's arrest. Daisy helped Shiloh secure the money for bail. Shiloh tried to enlist Harmony's help. Ryan sent his regards to Nelle. Sam told Jason that she had consulted a plastic surgeon about removing the Trust tattoo. Dev overheard an important conversation between Sonny and Carly about Dev's future. Cameron was elated when Liz and Franco agreed that he could keep Oscar's car -- with a few conditions. Franco and Liz discovered critical evidence in their wedding photos that suggested that Liesl's attacker had been a man. Sibley channeled Kiki, who had made it very clear that Ava was not to contact her daughter again. Ava was surprised when Sibley was unable to locate Nikolas "on the other side." Jordan and Curtis paid Ryan a visit. Drew and Jason worked together on Oscar's project. Shiloh had a flashback of his past with Drew.
July 22 to 26, 2019
Lulu bumped into Dustin at the Floating Rib during a night out with Maxie. Rocco confided to Peter about Dante. Ava was livid when she read the Crimson article about her, and she accused Nina of a smear job. Valentin taunted Ava, but she turned the tables on him by reminding Valentin that she had watched him murder Nikolas. Nina invited Jax and Hayden to dinner at Wyndemere with the hope of figuring out why Jax had a file on Cassandra Pierce. A psychic passed on a message from Kiki to Franco. Franco asked about Sibley's warning that he would soon not be feeling himself, but Chelsea cautioned him not to take "that drive." Nelle asked Michael to visit her. Nelle mentioned to her cellmate that it was her son's birthday, prompting Lorraine to talk about her grandson. Nelle realized that Shiloh believed that "Wiley" was his son. Sonny and Carly received more bad news about their unborn baby. Carly opened up to Jason, and she asked him to keep an eye on Dev because she and Sonny would be focused on the baby. Chase was surprised when Finn talked about the unborn child that Finn had shared with Hayden. Chase and Willow confessed that they loved each other. Cameron went to great lengths to return a special memento to Josslyn.
July 29 to August 2, 2019
Nelle decided to keep the truth about Jonah to herself a little longer. Michael and Sasha escaped for a romantic getaway, only to inadvertently bump into Cassandra Pierce, who had been staying on Sonny's island. Cassandra drugged Sasha's grapefruit then took a picture with her two "new friends." Finn and Hayden talked about their past and their present. Hayden admitted that she hoped she never had to see Finn again. Shiloh received a frosty reception when he crashed Wiley's party. Shiloh got his hands on the flash drive with Drew's memories because he hoped that Dr. Cabot could help him access important information from Drew's past. Shiloh's day went from bad to worse when Chase served him with several restraining orders. Sam searched Shiloh's motel room for the flash drive, but she was caught leaving. Cabot bumped into Finn. Jason asked what Cameron thought of Franco. Franco arranged for Cameron to get free parking for his new car. Kim admitted to Liz that it might be time for Kim to leave Port Charles, but Liz urged Kim to talk to Julian. Laura advised Lulu to consider that Dante had done the right thing for Lulu and Rocco by filing for divorce. Neil and Alexis found themselves trapped in an elevator on a difficult anniversary for Neil. Ava turned to Ryan for help when she received a message from Kiki.
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August 5 to 9, 2019
Sasha collapsed in Nina's office. Finn diagnosed Sasha with a deadly strain of the flu. Jason managed to rescue Sam from a deep freezer before she ran out of air. Shiloh abducted Cameron with the intention of giving Drew's memories to Cameron. Franco tracked Cameron down then demanded to take Cameron's place. Dr. Cabot urged Shiloh to take Franco up on the offer because the procedure would work better with an adult. Cameron was devastated as Franco gave him a message for Liz. Liz reached out to Chase for help, and Chase agreed to go to the warehouse district with Liz to track down Cameron. Meanwhile, Drew and Curtis closed in on Dr. Cabot as Franco underwent the procedure to receive Drew's memories. Drew and Curtis rescued Cameron and Franco, but they were too late to stop the memory download. Chase arrested Shiloh. Kim told Julian about her decision to leave town, prompting Julian to offer to leave with her. Neil told Alexis that it was time for her to find a new therapist, so Alexis admitted that she still had feelings for Neil. Liesl confronted Brad about his attempt to kill her, but Brad argued that she had once tried to kill him. Liesl admitted that she was haunted by the secret of Wiley's true father. Robert reported to Lulu that Dante had been moved to a new facility, and Dante's deprograming had been postponed indefinitely. Lulu cried on Willow's shoulder, but Lulu decided not to divorce her husband.
August 12 to 16, 2019
Mike and Yvonne exchanged "wedding" vows. Sonny and Carly were inspired to make plans to renew their own vows. Stella decided to fly to London to meet her cousin then tour Europe. Liesl caught Hayden snooping around Wyndemere, so Hayden offered to arrange for Liesl to have dinner with Jax in exchange for Liesl's silence. Franco woke up from Dr. Cabot's procedure with Drew's memories. Elizabeth was devastated that Franco didn't recall his life with her and the boys. Kim was stunned when Franco reminded her of her past with Drew then kissed her. Franco was arrested when he took a swing at Chase. Julian put Charlie's Pub up for sale in anticipation of moving with Kim. Dr. Cabot offered to work out a deal for his freedom by revealing to Anna the memories that Alex had shared. Brad was nearly caught changing Wiley's medical records. Josslyn advised Dev to earn Sonny's trust by doing well in school. Dev appeared to let down his guard. Robert and Finn worked together to make Valentin believe that Cassandra might be drawing close. Sasha remained in isolation as Finn tried to diagnose and find a treatment for her illness. Finn told Hayden about Elizabeth's situation with Franco, prompting Hayden to move in with her sister and nephews.
August 19 to 23, 2019
Franco remained convinced that he was Drew, so Scott arranged for his son to be released from jail with an ankle monitor and instructions not to leave town. Franco made his way to Kim because he wanted to talk about the things that had been left unsaid between Drew and Kim in 2002. A shaken Kim tried to put some distance between her and Franco. Drew recovered the money that Tex had hidden from Shiloh. Franco wanted to return the money to the people of Afghanistan, but Drew insisted on taking care of it. Later, Drew took a detour to Ethiopia to find Andre Maddox. Shiloh threatened to tell Maxie that Peter had been Helena Cassadine's accomplice in both Drew and Jason's abductions. Peter agreed to find a way to get Shiloh out of jail. Peter also took steps to stop Drew from locating Andre. Nelle had an encounter with Shiloh. Sam agreed to give her father a chance to mend fences. Dev was accused of stealing money from Sonny, but Sonny had faith in Dev and helped clear Dev's name. Sasha worried that her illness was karma for what she had done to Nina. Liesl had dinner with Jax. Hayden was delighted to speak to her daughter on the phone. Ava had a visit from Kiki. Trina and Cameron persuaded Josslyn to attend her junior year of high school. Lulu and Dante were divorced.
August 26 to 30, 2019
Franco, believing that he was Drew, paid Elizabeth a visit to return his wedding ring because he had no interest in reclaiming his life as Franco Baldwin. Elizabeth made a desperate appeal to Scott. Jason apologized to Monica for the way he had treated her when he had suffered his traumatic brain injury. Mac accepted a job as the new chief of detectives. T.J. expressed his concern to Jordan about Stella meeting a distant cousin then embarking on a European vacation with the woman. Kim asked Julian to marry her, but he turned her down because he suspected that her desire to get married had been spurred by Franco's claim to be Drew. Ava received a letter from Ryan. Neil admitted that he was attracted to Alexis, and he wanted to get to know her better on a personal level. A woman named Kendra Lennon -- who had a secret connection to Kiefer Bauer -- made a point of introducing herself to Alexis. Michael recalled that Cassandra had used a medication that had been banned in most countries, which Robert hoped would make finding Cassandra easier. Valentin made Curtis a lucrative offer to find Cassandra then walk away. Hayden perked up when she overheard that Molly had been working on a story about the Cassadine family history. Peter had a nightmare about the consequences of making a full confession to Maxie. Dustin spent time with Lulu and her children in the park.
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September 2 to 6, 2019
Sonny's cousin Gladys turned up in Port Charles. Carly was surprised when Sonny suggested that they adopt Dev, so she insisted that they discuss it with the family first. Jax expressed concern about Dev living under the same roof as Josslyn. Liesl blackmailed Brad into making certain that all genetic tests confirmed that Sasha was Nina's daughter. Sasha began to improve, and Finn was confident that she would make a full recovery. Andre Maddox was gravely injured in an attack, but he woke up and was able to tell his harrowing tale. Drew's plane vanished on the way from Ethiopia to Afghanistan. Alexis and Neil had an eventful first date at the Floating Rib's "Drag Bingo Night." Franco, believing that he was Drew, asked Kim to tell him about their son. Kim became caught up in the moment and shared a passionate kiss with Franco, but she pushed him away because Elizabeth was her friend -- and Kim's future was with Julian. Cameron confronted Franco about the kiss. Alexis revealed that Olivia had decided to take another route to purchase Charlie's Pub, which would delay the sale. Julian suggested that he and Kim move to Manhattan as they had planned because he didn't need to remain in Port Charles to sign the paperwork for the sale. Nelle made Shiloh an offer to reunite with his son and get his hands on Oscar's stock.
September 9 to 13, 2019
Carly admitted to Sonny that she wasn't prepared to adopt Dev. Dev overheard Sonny and Carly make plans for his future. Josslyn struggled on her first day of school. Brad confessed to Julian that Liesl Obrecht had delivered Wiley, leading Julian to realize that Brad had gotten the baby from Nelle. Brad insisted that Julian had to kill Liesl before Sonny discovered the truth about Wiley, but Julian was unable to go through with the plan. Julian paid Alexis a visit to say goodbye. Liesl agreed to keep Sasha's secret for Nina's sake, but Liesl advised Sasha against accepting Lucy's offer to be the new "Face of Deception" because it would invite unwanted scrutiny. Monica was shaken when Jason broke the news that Drew's plane had crashed into the Gulf of Aden, and Drew was presumed killed. Liz warned Kim not to mistake Franco for Drew because they intended to find a way to undo the memory transfer. Franco was encouraged when Kim referred to him as "Drew" while defending him to Chase. Jax and Maxie persuaded broadcaster Tamron Hall to be on the cover of Crimson's October issue. Things heated up between Lulu and Dustin. Curtis agreed to help Jax and Hayden. Curtis asked Laura to help him find a document that Helena had hidden.
September 16 to 20, 2019
Carly looked into a boarding school for Dev, but Sonny insisted that he had never agreed to send Dev away. Dev looked up flights to Montreal. Laura was shocked when she caught Lulu and Dustin in bed together. Cassandra was caught hiding out on the Haunted Star. Cassandra's mystery accomplice arranged for Alexis to represent Cassandra in her bid to fight extradition to the Hauge to await trial for her crimes. Valentin informed Cassandra that she could no longer hold Claudette over his head because Claudette had flown the coop two years earlier. Kim gave in to temptation and made love to Franco. Liz was forced to take action when she realized that Franco and Kim planned to leave town together. Peter paid a hit man to kill Shiloh. Sam, Kristina, and Willow testified against Shiloh. Spinelli overheard Peter on the phone with the hit man. Bobbie encountered a police officer at an accident scene, unaware that he was Shiloh in disguise. Julian changed his mind about tampering with Liesl's car, and he informed Brad to do whatever was necessary to placate Liesl. Sasha confessed to Michael that she was not Nina's daughter. Michael was hurt by the deception, but he decided to give Sasha a second chance.
September 23 to 27, 2019
Dev hid out on the Haunted Star until he could disappear into Canada, but danger soon followed. Dev called Sam for help. Posing as a police officer, Shiloh flagged Bobbie's car down then abducted Wiley when he noticed the toddler in the backseat. Shiloh slipped onto the Haunted Star then took Dev and Sam hostage. Shiloh called Peter to demand that he provide Shiloh with a large sum of cash to disappear. Sam persuaded Shiloh to release Dev and Wiley, but Shiloh had other plans for Sam. Jason arrived in the nick of time to save Sam from Shiloh's diabolical intentions. Sam shot and killed Shiloh. Despite Spinelli's misgivings about Peter, he agreed to send Georgie for a visit with Maxie and James. Maxie asked Peter to move in with her and James. Maxie found a receipt for a substantial bank withdrawal, which Peter managed to explain away. Lulu had an awkward encounter with Dustin. Olivia was furious when she discovered that Lulu had moved on. Laura was stunned when Hayden inadvertently revealed that Curtis had been hired to find the codicil to Mikkos' will. Julian ended things with Kim when he realized that Kim and Franco had slept together. Julian canceled the sale of Charlie's Pub. Aiden paid Franco a visit. Franco warned Elizabeth that she was making a mistake, sending him to Shadybrook. Kim made calls to find Franco a lawyer. Carly went into labor.
September 30 to October 4, 2019
Carly gave birth to a baby girl named Donna Courtney Corinthos. Donna underwent surgery to correct her spine, and she was given a clean bill of health. Sam was arrested for Shiloh's murder when Daisy Kwan produced an incriminating recording of Sam talking about killing Shiloh. Sam confided to Jason and Diane that she had reason to believe that Shiloh had been working with someone. Dev revealed that he had heard Shiloh on the phone, demanding money. Lulu overheard Liesl and Sasha discuss that Sasha was not Nina's daughter. Nina gave Sasha a special gift. Maxie worried that Valentin had invited bad luck to the wedding by visiting Nina the night before it. Nina revealed that her wedding day coincided with the one-year anniversary of her first phone call with Sasha. Kevin helped Laura search Wyndemere for the codicil to Mikkos Cassadine's will. A painting of Helena provided the first clue to the location of the codicil. Hayden was forced to cover her tracks with a lie when Finn heard her on the phone with their daughter. Jax disapproved of Hayden lying to Finn. Josslyn told Jax the truth about Dev. Kim paid Franco a visit at Shadybrook. Nelle met with an attorney that she hoped could help with her upcoming parole hearing.
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October 7 to 11, 2019
Peter framed Sam for Shiloh's murder. The FBI picked up the investigation into Shiloh's death, since Shiloh had died in international waters. Lulu stopped Nina and Valentin's wedding to announce that Sasha was not Nina's daughter. Sasha tearfully confirmed Lulu's shocking claim. Nina fled the church when she realized that Valentin, Sasha, and Liesl had betrayed her. Jax offered Nina a safe haven to hide from the world. To spare Nina the pain of losing Valentin and Charlotte, Sasha claimed that she had acted on her own. Josslyn told Jax the truth about Dev. Kim hired Martin Gray to represent Franco in his fight to be declared legally competent. Robert broke the news to Monica that the WSB had declared Drew dead in absentia. Nelle let Brad know that she expected him at her parole hearing. Brad turned to Julian for help when Nelle expressed an interest in having a relationship with her son when she was paroled, but Julian made it clear that he had washed his hands of Brad's problems. Brad made an appointment with Neil. Ava confronted Ryan with the stack of letters that he had sent her, and she ordered him to stop contacting her. Finn began to doubt Hayden's story about her dog, "Honeybun." Chase reminded Finn that Finn's future was with Anna, but Finn didn't appear convinced.
October 14 to 18, 2019
Cameron talked to Kim about Franco. Lucas was furious when he learned that Brad had attended Nelle's parole hearing. Nelle was frustrated when her parole was denied for two years. Sonny paid Julian a visit to advise Julian to do right by Olivia because she had looked forward to taking over Charlie's Pub. Julian took steps to undermine Brad's relationship with Lucas. Brad became nervous when Curtis questioned him about Sasha's maternity tests. Sasha was arrested for fraud. Nina and Valentin reconciled because he insisted that he hadn't been complicit in Sasha's deception. Michael advised Valentin to help Sasha, or Michael would reveal Valentin's role in Sasha's crime. Carly worried that Sasha might be taking advantage of Michael. Sam was taken into custody and shipped to Pentonville to await trial. Alexis asked Kendra for another container of protein powder shakes. Kendra visited Kiefer Bauer's grave and vowed to avenge his death. Peter hired an attorney to represent his hit man, Bryce Henderson. Andre identified Bryce as his attacker when Jason showed Andre a picture of the hired gun. Ryan Chamberlain murdered his new cellmate -- Bryce. Ava collapsed when she learned that Ryan might have murdered someone for her.
October 21 to 25, 2019
The Corinthos clan welcomed Donna home. Laura and Julian were concerned about Ava's insistence that someone had been watching her. Kevin offered Ava some advice about breaking free from Ryan's grip. Ava returned to the Jerome Gallery, and she hired Trina as an assistant. Dev sold Ava a familiar painting. Finn was shocked to discover that his new patient was Hayden's daughter -- Violet. Finn demanded to know why Hayden had lied to him about their daughter. Julian told Scott and Liz that Kim had drugged Drew with the intention of getting pregnant. Scott and Liz were stunned when Kevin testified that Franco remained mentally competent to make his own medical decisions, despite identifying as someone else. Cameron lashed out at Jason. Fearing that Neil might draw out his secrets, Brad tried to back out of going to therapy with Lucas, but Lucas was adamant about attending. Sam was desperate to get home to her children, so she decided to push for a bench trial. Nina received a gift from Spencer. Dustin invited Lulu to a school dance. Maxie questioned Peter's preoccupation with Franco's trail.

October 28 to November 1, 2019
Nikolas Cassadine was revealed to be alive. Ava fainted when she saw Nikolas in her gallery, but he was gone by the time she regained consciousness. Ava told Laura about the encounter with Nikolas, but Laura didn't believe her because the security footage hadn't backed up Ava's claims. Laura and Julian convinced Ava to check into Shadybrook for treatment. Sam met her new cellmate -- Cassandra Pierce. T.J. confided to Curtis and Jordan that he intended to propose to Molly. Kendra made certain that Alexis continued to consume the tainted supplement powder. Alexis fell ill with a mystery illness that resembled the flu and included a rash on the palms of her hands. Julian continued to undermine Brad and Lucas' relationship. Lucas confronted Brad about a nude photo that had been sent to Brad. The judge ruled in Franco's favor. Elizabeth told Franco that she would let him go without a fight if he said a proper goodbye to their family. Scott appealed to Sonny for help with Franco. Cameron and Josslyn got drunk during their school's Halloween dance. Trina kissed Dev, but he confessed that he only liked her as a friend. Finn spent time with Violet, but he was unsure how to proceed with Hayden. Valentin persuaded Nina to drop the charges against Sasha. Valentin persuaded Nina to drop the charges against Sasha.
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November 4 to 8, 2019
Julian's efforts to drive Lucas and Brad apart where thwarted when Brad opted to tell Lucas the truth about Julian's desire for Brad to disappear. Brad claimed that Julian had discovered that Brad had helped Liesl alter Sasha's DNA test. A troubled Lucas spent time at Tony Jones's grave. Curtis was certain that Valentin had helped Sasha, but Sasha refused to confirm his suspicions. Cassandra managed to escape with some help from Nikolas. Later, Cassandra gave Nikolas the slip by jumping out of the getaway vehicle. Jax paid Ava a visit at Shadybrook to question her about the portrait of Helena Cassadine. Valentin breathed a sigh of relief that he had tossed the portrait of Helena out because he realized that Laura's desire to get her hands on it might spell trouble for him. Franco paid Liz a visit to let her know that he intended to leave town with Kim. Desperate to stop Franco, Scott told "Drew" about Jim Harvey and about Franco's attempts to save Drew from the same fate that Franco had suffered. Martin paid Nelle a visit at Pentonville to discuss her recent marriage. Nelle explained that her husband had died, and she needed to get out of jail to collect her inheritance before time ran out. Martin agreed to help Nelle, but he later contacted Valentin to report that he had news about a matter of mutual interest. Lulu gushed to Maxie about Dustin. Charlotte was startled when Cassandra approached her.
November 11 to 15, 2019
Cassandra lured Charlotte away from Kelly's with the intention of using her as a pawn to manipulate Valentin, but Anna and Jason's timely intervention turned the tides against Cassandra. Cassandra escaped on a boat provided by Valentin, but Valentin had planted a bomb in the getaway vessel. Once Valentin had been assured that his daughter was safe and Cassandra was on the boat, he detonated the explosives by remote. Valentin expressed his gratitude to Anna. After spending the afternoon with Violet and Hayden, Finn invited the two to spend the night. Violet was delighted when Finn and Hayden revealed that Finn was Violet's father. Anna arrived home to find Finn and Hayden in a compromising situation. Carly was stunned when Nikolas revealed himself to her, but he implored her to keep his secret because it would put his entire family in danger if Valentin were to learn that Nikolas was alive and that Mikkos had written a codicil. Ava was surprised when Sonny stopped by Shadybrook with Avery for a visit because he didn't want their daughter to feel any stigma about seeking help for good mental health. Cameron made a full confession to Sonny about stealing Sonny's alcohol. Lucas confronted Julian about setting up Brad. Julian admitted that he had been concerned about Brad, but before Julian could elaborate, Lucas was called away. T.J. suspected that rat poison might be causing Alexis' ailment. Jason and Franco had a talk.
November 18 to 22, 2019
Sam was convicted of manslaughter and negligent homicide then sentenced to two years in Pentonville Prison. The judge agreed to recommend early release for Sam because there had been mitigating circumstances. Monica invited Danny and Scout to live with her. Liesl and Lucas traded words about Brad, prompting Lucas to question what Brad was hiding. Brook Lynn returned to the family fold. "Drew" told Kim that he had learned some things about Franco, and he felt that he owed it to Franco to undergo the memory mapping reversal. Heartbroken, Kim left town. T.J.'s suspicions were proven correct; Alexis had thallium poisoning. Stella was saddened when she paid Mike a visit. Anna admitted to Finn that she had more questions than answers about her twin. Anna's attempt to clear the air with Hayden did not go well. Olivia was crushed when she received the letters that she'd written to Dante, unopened. Valentin went to Shadybrook to pay Ava a visit. Ava warned Valentin that the painting of Helena Cassadine was stashed where Valentin would never find it. Nikolas slipped into Wyndemere, and he overheard Valentin offer Hayden money in exchange for information. Nina made a confession to Jax. Jax told Nikolas that he was done keeping secrets.
November 25 to 29, 2019
After Hayden reluctantly agreed to help Valentin, Nikolas took steps to persuade her to leave town before Valentin turned on her. Hayden used the pretext of dropping off some of Violet's things at Anna and Finn's to say goodbye to her daughter and leave a note for Finn. Martin posed as an attorney working for a client who wanted to sell the painting of Helena Cassadine to find out why Jax and Laura were interested in the painting. Valentin was stunned when Martin shared that Mikkos had written a codicil to the will that stripped Valentin of everything. Brook Lynn urged Lucas to work things out with Brad. Julian tampered with Brad's car. Sasha and Michael warned Liesl that Curtis had been asking questions about Sasha's falsified DNA test at General Hospital. Nina admitted to Jax that she knew that Valentin had lied about Sasha, but she remained determined to marry him, anyway. Willow confided to Sasha that she might be pregnant. Dev let his secret slip to the teens. Cameron and Trina agreed that they would keep quiet about Dev being in the country illegally. Neil suspected that Kendra had poisoned Alexis, but his hypothesis hit a snag when a supplement tablet that Kendra tried to give Alexis turned out to be ginkgo biloba. Alexis followed Kendra to the cemetery, but it had been a trap. Kendra bashed Alexis in the head with a rock. Sonny and Carly spent a bittersweet Thanksgiving with Mike.
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December 2 to 6, 2019
Jordan and Curtis celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Willow took a pregnancy test, but it was negative. Kendra's attempt to run Alexis over was thwarted when Lucas lost control of Brad's car and careened into Kendra's SUV. Kendra died at the scene. Brad escaped with minor injuries, but Lucas suffered a critical head injury, and he was put into a medically induced coma. At Carly's request, Griffin Munro returned for a short visit to evaluate Lucas' injuries. Sonny talked to Griffin about Mike's prognosis. Julian was horrified when he realized that Lucas had been driving the car that Julian had tampered with. Chase told Michael that the undercarriage of Brad's car had been too damaged to determine if there had been a brake failure, but Chase hoped that forensics might provide answers. Finn found the letter that Hayden had written explaining why she had to disappear. Jax was furious when he learned that Nikolas had manipulated Hayden to go into hiding. A heavily sedated Ava believed that Nikolas was a ghost, so Nikolas claimed that he was stuck in hell with Kiki unless Ava revealed where Helena's painting was hidden. Valentin and Martin broke into Ava's gallery to search for the painting. Nina was alarmed when she found Nikolas' signet ring under Ava's bed. Sam met her new cellmate -- Nelle. Peter put a hit on Andre Maddox and Franco to make certain that the memory mapping procedure was not completed.
December 9 to 13, 2019
Harmony was granted early release due to prison overcrowding at Pentonville. Nelle conspired with Ryan for him to stab her so she would be rushed to General Hospital. Ava checked herself out of Shadybrook. Nina was set on punishing Valentin for deceiving her about Sasha. Nina and Ava decided to team up to take Valentin and Nikolas down. Ava made plans for a special auction. Valentin warned Jax to stay away from Nina. Jax questioned Nina about Claudette. Julian and Brook Lynn were surprised when Carly introduced them to each other. Brook Lynn told her father that she had made a mistake firing her mother and hiring a new producer/manager. Franco underwent the memory mapping procedure to restore his memories. Elizabeth waited anxiously for Franco to wake up. Jason told Anna that Peter was the reason that Sam was in prison. After a visit with Anna, Griffin left town. Sonny held out hope that a doctor in Sweden could help Mike. Mike's disease continued to progress. Carly admitted that she had been keeping something from Sonny, but she asked him to trust her until she could share the secret. Charlotte revealed that she had a bodyguard, but Laura worried that the bodyguard was a figment of her granddaughter's imagination.
December 16 to 20, 2019
Laura outbid Valentin at the auction for Helena's portrait, but the painting went up in flames once the auction ended. Nikolas confronted Ava, and she admitted that she had the codicil. At Nina's bidding, Liesl explained how Valentin had falsified Sasha's DNA test with a lock of Madeline's hair. Nina decided to keep the information to herself. Charlotte jumped into the harbor to prove that her secret bodyguard existed and would save her. Dustin rescued Charlotte, but Valentin threatened to take Lulu to court for full custody because she hadn't been watching Charlotte properly. Lulu vowed to prove that Valentin was the one unfit to raise their daughter. Lucy agreed to give Sasha a share of Deception in exchange for Sasha becoming the new "Face of Deception." Sonny told Jason that Carly was in trouble. Carly promised to tell Jason everything if things were not resolved by New Year's Eve. Elizabeth was overjoyed when Franco woke up with his own memories. Franco was devastated when Elizabeth told him that Drew was presumed dead. Franco also learned that he had slept with Kim. Michael invited Willow to spend time with him and Wiley. Nelle had an encounter with Willow and Wiley at the hospital. Lucas was transferred to Turning Woods because he remained in a coma despite being eased off of sedatives. Jordan told Julian that forensics couldn't determine the cause of the accident, and the investigation into the accident had been closed.
December 23 to 27, 2019
Finn had a fantasy about A Christmas Carol. Tracy was not pleased when she arrived for a visit and discovered that Monica had remodeled the mansion. Anna found a link between Peter and the hit man that had been killed at the hospital. Franco was stunned when he learned that Drew had been presumed killed in a plane crash. Liz also revealed that Franco, while believing that he was Drew, had slept with Kim. Nelle managed to stir up trouble with Wiley before being shipped back to Pentonville. Scout told Santa that she wished that her mother would be home for Christmas. Ned and Jason arranged for Sam to be paroled in time for Christmas Eve. Peter was touched when Maxie gave him his first Christmas stocking. Mike pushed Sonny to invite Gladys to spend Christmas with Sonny's family. Sonny found that he had some things in common with his cousin. Josslyn was startled when Trina warned her that Dev had a crush on Josslyn. Jordan received bad news about an old friend.
December 30 to January 3, 2020
Charlotte confided to Laura that the secret bodyguard had worn a ring bearing the Cassadine crest. Nina confirmed Liesl's claim that Valentin had used a lock of Madeline's hair to manipulate the DNA test between Sasha and Nina. Valentin enlisted Martin's help to lure Ava to Wyndemere's parapet. Valentin demanded that Ava hand over the codicil, but Ava relished the idea of Valentin's downfall. Furious, Valentin shoved Ava over the parapet. Guests were shocked when Nikolas -- carrying an unconscious Ava -- crashed Valentin and Nina's wedding. Sam had a visit from her parole officer, Delores. Delores made it clear that Sam was not to have any contact with Jason during Sam's parole period. Diane offered Jason and Sam some advice on how to proceed with Delores. Willow was surprised when she and Sam ran into Harmony at Turning Woods, where Harmony had applied for a job. Willow, Sam, and Harmony received an invitation to Shiloh's memorial service. Carly decided to tell Sonny the truth about Nikolas and that Jax had been helping Nikolas. Sonny felt betrayed that Carly hadn't trusted him enough to be honest from the start. Brook Lynn was hurt when Ned refused to buy out her contract, but Ned explained that money wouldn't solve her problems.
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