All My Children Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on AMC in 2007

All My Children summaries from 2007
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January 1 to 5, 2007
Bianca couldn't get past Zarf's deception. She was convinced that Zarf, who referred to himself as Zoe when dressed as a woman, was only doing so as an attempt to seduce her. Zoe tried to tell Bianca what life was like being a girl trapped in a boy's body while growing up. Bianca heard the story of someone who decided to have transition surgery. Zach opened up to Kendall about his past, specifically his mother and the events surrounding her death when he was just five years old. He explained the similarities between Erin and Simone's deaths and his mother, Amelia's, death. Josh and Babe kissed. Furious with Jack's deception, Erica pulled Jeff into a passionate kiss in front of Jack.
January 8 to 12, 2007
Zarf vowed never to bring Zoe out after the reaction from everyone. Dani fell prey to the serial killer. Luckily Josh and Babe arrived in time to have her rushed to the hospital. She was alive but in critical condition. Zarf was immediately suspected and a search of his rooms uncovered an unknown drug. Zarf was outraged when confronted with the evidence. Babe was the only person to speak up in his defense. JR questioned Dixie about the secret that Colby claimed Dixie was keeping. Dixie evaded the question by announcing that it was time for her to move out. Annie talked to Jonathan about the rage he had been feeling since Erin's death.
January 15 to 19, 2007
Zach started going through all of the boxes at the storage unit after seeing the painting the killer left for him. Zach talked out loud, asking the killer what he wanted from Zach, as a camera recorded his every move. As the killer looked on from a secret room, Zach pulled out a batch of love letters written to his mother from her secret lover "R." Zach wondered if the killer blamed him for Amelia's death. After Joe warned him not to pressure Dani, Derek gently asked his daughter if she could recall what she saw before she passed out. She slowly told him that what she thought she saw was a man. She managed to elaborate far enough to tell them that the hand she saw was encased in a glove, and that she remembered a bird swooping down toward her face.
January 22 to 26, 2007
Babe's decision to draw up a will worried Krystal. Ryan and Josh drugged Zach to get some answers. They got more than they bargained for. Under the influence, Zach revealed the truth about Emma to Ryan, and told Josh that he knew Tad had buried Greg Madden in an effort to force him to reveal Kate's whereabouts. He went on to say that Greg's death was never Tad's intention. Josh kept the information to himself for a while, but a confrontation with Jamie had him rethinking his decision. Ryan was furious when Kendall justified keeping the truth about his daughter from him. Some began to suspect that the killer was none other than David Hayward. A plan was set in motion to catch the killer, but would it be in time? Dixie began to have difficulty swallowing.
January 29 to February 2, 2007
he Satin Slayer claimed Dixie's life. Before she succumbed to the poison, Dixie told JR about Krystal's secret. In a touching scene, Dixie's spirit saw her daughter, Kate, for the first time as Tad joined Julia and Kathy in the park. As Tad held the little girl, she saw Dixie over his shoulder and waved. Dixie blew her daughter a kiss, and her eyes filled with tears of joy. Determined to draw out the killer, Zach and Kendall decided to throw a party reminiscent of the one thrown years earlier when Zach's mother, Amelia, had died. JR was determined to be there when the killer was caught, so he attended the party along with Babe.
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February 5 to 9, 2007
Babe kissed Josh. After the kiss, Josh realized that Babe had moved on and stepped aside so that she could focus on her marriage. Unfortunately, it was too late. JR and Jamie witnessed the kiss. JR waited until he got home and ended their marriage. He threatened to expose Krystal's secret if Babe didn't sign over custody of their son and quietly go away. Babe had other ideas and enlisted Zoe's help to blackmail JR. JR arrived home in time to hear Adam and Krystal declare their new commitment to be open and honest about everything. JR decided the time was right to help them achieve truthful bliss. A visit with a lucid Janet left Jamie and Amanda wondering if the Satin Slayer could be Ethan's mother. Zach, Tad, and Ryan received a note from the Satin Slayer and decided to set a trap. Had the Satin Slayer struck again? Babe was attacked in the parking lot. As she struggled with her attacker, the attacker tried to inject her with a needle filled with an unknown substance.
February 12 to 16, 2007
Bianca was less than pleased when she stopped by Erica's room and found Jeff and her mother in a compromising position. Kendall made the heartbreaking decision to allow Ryan to take Spike until the Satin Slayer was caught. Zoe and her bodyguard were too late when they heard Babe cry out in the parking garage for help. They arrived to find her unconscious. Babe was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead after life-saving measures failed. Josh rushed home, packed, and left town despite Erica's pleas to stay and allow his family to help him through the tragedy. Krystal was brought to her knees; her grief was so profound. Later, after Krystal learned about Babe's last hours, she confronted JR. She demanded that he leave the house but not with his son. JR, himself rocked by Babe's death, talked to her. Privately, he told her that he knew that Tad was the father of her baby and promised her that he would not tell Adam. He felt that Krystal had lost too much and refused to put her through any more heartache. They reached an understanding. At Dixie and Babe's funeral, friends and family lined up to give touching eulogies for both women. Elsewhere, Babe slowly woke up.
February 19 to 23, 2007
Derek had his doubts that Zoe was the latest victim of the Satin Slayer. He pointed out that Zoe had escaped without being injected with a needle, and there were no signs of the gardenia or satin ribbon. Zoe remembered that her attacker had spit on her. Jack pushed for Derek to test the DNA, but Derek classified the attack as an assault. Later, he returned and silently collected the clothing to be tested for DNA. JR and Krystal continued to mourn for Babe. Babe woke up in a hospital bed, with Kendall and Josh at her side. They were able to convince Babe that she was in the hospital. Zach returned from the funeral and gave Josh and Kendall an update. Kendall had her doubts about what they were doing. Kendall was worried about how Babe's death was affecting Krystal. Josh reminded her that Zach's plan was the best chance they had of keeping Babe alive. The search for answers led Zach to his father's grave. Zach and Kendall received a surprise when, upon opening the casket, all they found were rocks and a note that read, "My son was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found." In Las Vegas, a tearful Kendall sent Zach to his rendezvous. Arriving at the warehouse, Zach kicked in the door with his gun drawn and was hit by a blinding light that revealed...his mother!
February 26 to March 2, 2007
Erica followed Jeff to the casino and managed to make her way to where Babe was being hidden. She was furious that Jeff and Josh made Kendall a target. Her fury turned to worry when she learned that Kendall was in on the decision. Kendall called Ryan, worried that Zach hadn't returned to the hotel. Ryan told her to hold tight as he, Tad, Jamie, Aidan, and JR made their way to Las Vegas. Zach was rendered unconscious by his father, Alexander Cambias. The woman Zach believed to be his mother was actually a double who was hired by Alex. He killed her when she raised objections. Kendall was eventually lured to the warehouse. Alexander quickly whisked her away to a replica of her house. By the time Zach arrived, Alexander had Kendall dressed in a gown like Amelia wore with an injection of poison secured to her neck. The device was attached to a detonator that Alex was holding. If he depressed it, the detonator would trigger the injection and Kendall would die in moments. He pushed Zach past his breaking point when he forced him to his knees begging for his father's forgiveness. Zach attacked Alex, trying to wrench the detonator away without depressing the button as Kendall cried out.
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MARCH 2007
March 5 to 9, 2007
Zarf took the first real steps of becoming Zoe when he attended a transgender support group. Alexander Cambias was arrested for the Satin Slayer murders. Kendall was unharmed thanks to Zach's heroics. Kendall learned that she was pregnant with Zach's baby. She shared the happy news with Bianca but was unable to find the right time to tell Zach. Erica was shaken by JR's sincerity during one of their support group meetings. Krystal and little Adam were reunited with Babe, but their happiness was short-lived. Josh suggested to Babe that she remain dead to the world, snatch little Adam, and run away with Josh to start a new life. Babe was initially reluctant, but the certainty that she and JR would always be at odds convinced her to take Josh up on his suggestion. Erica overheard them discussing the details of their plan and decided to save Josh from himself. She found JR and told him the truth, that Babe was alive.
March 12 to 16, 2007
Josh's determination to get Babe away from JR had him pushing Krystal to reveal her secret to Adam. He told Krystal that as long as there was a secret, JR would have a hold on Babe, and Babe would do whatever it took to protect her mother, even at the cost of her own happiness. Adam also pressured Krystal, reminding her of their love and vowing that nothing could destroy that. Krystal slowly told Adam about her night with Tad. JR stopped Krystal from telling Adam the truth about the baby's paternity. Adam accused JR of betraying him to further his own agenda. Ryan proposed to Annie. Later, when he romanced her, Annie started to believe his feelings for her were genuine. She had second thoughts when she learned that Jonathan had told Ryan about her feelings for him. Tad resented Julia's attempts to replace Kate with Kathy. Sean and Colby lamented their dysfunctional families. Josh interrupted an intimate moment between Bianca and Zoe.
March 19 to 23, 2007
The truth about Krystal's baby was finally revealed. Adam was furious and determined to divorce Krystal. Krystal was equally determined to save her marriage, convinced that their love would see them through the crisis. Babe insisted that she would go through with her own divorce from JR. However, as events unfolded, her resolve appeared to weaken as JR continued to be supportive of Krystal. Tad moved in to the Chandler mansion. A talk with Lily gave Zach some clarity. Barbara crashed Miranda's birthday party, much to Erica's ire. Bianca continued to be drawn to Zoe. Annie had a difficult time trusting Ryan's feelings for her.
March 26 to 30, 2007
A mystery woman's identity was revealed: she was Ethan's mother, Hannah. She promised Zach she had no ill will towards him and went on to explain that she had actually come to town at the request of Cambias Industries for a job interview. Zoe's mother payed him a visit. She expressed her love but couldn't support Zoe's decision to live as a woman. Jack and Erica proceeded with their divorce. Barbara took advantage of the situation and seduced Jack into bed. Erica found them later, in bed on the yacht. Adam's antics landed him in the same sanitarium as Janet. Janet was amused by Adam's predicament. Hanna paid Alexander a visit and talked about the past. She didn't regret giving her son up for adoption because it spared him from turning out like his grandfather. Annie accepted Ryan's proposal. Derek announced that Janet had escaped from the sanitarium. Adam found himself on the losing end of a vote. Having spent the night, the sun illuminated the room where Jack and Barbara lay sleeping. They were soon awakened by a visit from Erica, dressed as a French maid delivering breakfast in bed. Back at the Montgomery homestead, Sean woke up to find Lily gone. In Philadelphia, Aidan wrapped up his stakeout and prepared to leave when he was approached by a woman bearing a striking resemblance to Lily. Adam brought home his new son-Josh!
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APRIL 2007
April 2 to 6, 2007
Kendall made peace with Annie. Zoe had a difficult time dealing with her mother's rejection. Determined to be give her mother what she wanted, Zoe came out dressed as Freddie. Marj saw how much pain her child was in, despite all his claims of being resigned to living as a man. At Marj's request to explain what brought Zoe to that point in a way that Marj could understand, Zoe opened up. At the end, with Zoe in tears, Marj embraced her daughter and referred to her for the first time as Zoe. Ava had no interest in meeting her half-sister, Lily. Aidan returned home to find Lily having a completely different reaction. Lily had always felt alone in the world without a biological connection. Meeting her half-sister was important to Lily. Aidan told Di that he was concerned about them meeting, given Ava's unsavory past and lifestyle. Ava picked the wrong man and ended up bruised and battered in a motel. Amanda got a glimpse of Jamie's wealth. Tad went to great lengths to force Krystal to leave Adam. Babe and JR decided it was time to tell their son about the divorce. Adam managed to escape. He vowed to show Tad the true meaning of suffering. He enlisted Janet's help to lure Jamie to them. Janet did, not knowing that Amanda was with Jamie. Later, Adam found Jamie and Amanda on the road. He drove up behind them and proceeded to ram their car.
April 9 to 13, 2007
Adam walked out on Krystal as she went into labor. Colby became a reluctant midwife and helped bring Krystal's daughter into the world. One look at his daughter and Tad saw his sister's soul. With Krystal's blessing, they decided to name her Jenny Colby. Jamie and Amanda survived the accident caused by Adam. Unfortunately they couldn't prove that he was the one who rammed their car from behind. Bianca confessed to Zoe that she was her secret admirer. Jonathan tried to give Ava money to leave town. Ava took the money but didn't leave. Jack checked Barbara into the Valley Inn. Lily and Ava came face-to-face.
April 16 to 20, 2007
Ryan told Annie that his chances were very good of fathering more children if he had the vasectomy reversed. Annie was touched by the offer. She asked him to formally adopt Emma so that if anything should happen to her, Emma would automatically go to Ryan. After hearing Zoe's demo of a song, Erica offered Zoe the opportunity to perform it on her show. Zoe accepted. Bianca surprised everyone when she announced plans to join Zoe when she left for London to work on her next album. Alexander's hearing went in his favor. Despite the judge's firm belief that Alexander was faking his mental condition, he had no other choice but to remand him to a sanitarium. There was nothing to prove that Alexander was faking his condition. Amanda was blackmailed into helping Adam. He demanded that she give him something he could use against Jamie or Tad. She gave him a box of Kathy's things, telling him that Jamie said it was important. Adam pretended to be Stuart when he visited Jenny. He kidnapped the baby and made arrangements to adopt her out on the black market.
April 23 to 27, 2007
As Jenny's adoption moved forward, everyone tried to force Adam to reveal her whereabouts. Amanda came clean to everyone about Adam blackmailing her. Concern grew as everyone realized that Adam was in cahoots with Janet and that she had the baby. Krystal resorted to desperate measures to find her daughter. She threatened to shoot Adam if he didn't take her to Jenny. Colby interceded on his behalf, placing herself in front of her father. Alexander Cambias was shot by an unknown gunman. Annie confided to Ryan that she was concerned about Jonathan after seeing him lurking in the hallways at all hours of the night. The adoptive parents arrived to pick up Jenny. Janet was reluctant to give the baby up. She swept Jenny up and told the couple she was just going to change the baby before they took her home. Tad, Jamie, and Amanda arrived minutes after Janet managed to slip out a back room with the baby. Zoe and Bianca bade farewell to Pine Valley.
April 30 to May 4, 2007
As Janet slipped further and further into a delusional state, everyone scrambled to find her. Desperate to force Adam to lead him to Jenny, Tad handcuffed himself to Adam. They remained that way until Adam received a call from Janet. Janet found Amanda in a moonlit courtyard and managed to knock her out and bring her back to the warehouse. When Amanda woke up, she found Jenny. She quickly realized she didn't have a cell phone, and she and Jenny were locked in with Janet nowhere to be seen. Janet showed up at Krystal's. She prattled on about random things, intertwining them with notes about the baby until Tad arrived. Janet told them to settle in for a lengthy interview process to determine their fitness as parents. Jonathan became increasingly frustrated with Ava after finding her with Lily's credit card. Ava noticed Sean's attraction to her and took delight in teasing him. Ryan and Annie happily moved ahead with their wedding plans, unaware that Greenlee was about to contact Ryan.
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MAY 2007
May 7 to 11, 2007
Jenny was reunited with her parents and sent home with a clean bill of health by her grandfather. Adam began to realize just how very alone he was. Erica and Jack taped a segment on her show, New Beginnings, about divorce. Eric was not pleased with Jack when things didn't go as planned, and Jack announced to the world that they were still very much in love with each other. Ryan and Annie exchanged vows unaware that Greenlee was doing her best to stop the wedding. Thanks to Kendall's intervention, Greenlee didn't succeed. She did, however, succeed in breaking up the reception by having Ryan arrested for bigamy.
May 14 to 18, 2007
Erica and Jack continued to play their games. When Jack showed up at the Yacht Club with Barbara and cameras in tow, Erica capitalized on Tad's timely arrival. Ava used Jonathan's feelings for Lily against him. She taunted him, telling him that he could never have the kind of relationship with Lily that a normal man would want. She then slipped into her Lily impersonation and realized that Jonathan was mesmerized. Against his better judgment, Jonathan kissed Ava. Horrified by his actions, Jonathan tore himself away from Ava and warned her to never touch him again. Later, Sean tried to break off their sexual relationship, telling Ava he'd rather just be friends. Ava seduced Sean into changing his mind. They were caught in the act when Erica, Jack, and the cameras walked into the living room. Ryan and Greenlee had a heart-to-heart talk. Greenlee confessed that she sent him the divorce papers not because she wanted him to sign them, but because she wanted him to find her and fight for their marriage. Hannah tendered her resignation. Not even the thought of Zach poised to take over Chandler Enterprises seemed to tempt her. Later, she longingly looked at Zach and his family.
May 21 to 25, 2007
Annie told Kendall that after Ryan and Greenlee's divorce, she and Ryan legally wed. Greenlee refused to accept that Ryan had moved on with Annie. She was furious when she learned that Zach was behind the blackout the night Kendall conceived Spike. Hannah begged Zach to give her another child, promising to leave town afterwards. The next day Hannah was gone and Zach was secretive. Ava and Jonathan kissed. Sean wasn't quite honest with Colby when they discussed the nature of his relationship with Ava. Krystal apologized for the decisions that she made.
May 28 to June 1, 2007
Greenlee became Josh's new neighbor. They were briefly stuck in an elevator, and Greenlee opened up to Josh and shared her thoughts with him. Greenlee appreciated his flirting. Greenlee decided to crash Spike's birthday party. Bad weather stranded a few of the guests during a power outage. Greenlee felt like the outsider as she spent time with Ryan and Kendall and their blended family. Ava asked Lily about Jonathan and their marriage. JR had an indecent proposal for Amanda. Jonathan's attraction for Ava was obvious to Amanda. Palmer took pleasure in Adam's foolishness after he realized that Adam was still in love with Krystal. Ava was jealous when she saw Sean kissing Colby. Later, she unwittingly returned the favor when Colby witnessed Sean kissing Ava. At the Roadside, Krystal, Tad, Babe, Jamie, and Opal celebrated their new business venture. Adam crashed the party. Opal wondered if Julia could be pregnant. Jamie suggested it might be time for Julia to go on vacation and visit her family.
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JUNE 2007
June 4 to 8, 2007
Kendall had a scare when she felt sharp pains. They subsided quickly and a call to the doctor calmed Zach and Kendall's fears. Greenlee decided to sue Ryan and Kendall for custody of Spike. Kendall received her notice on moving day. Colby was arrested for drugs found in Sean's pocket. Sean took the rap to spare Colby. Ava had planted the drugs while Sean was getting ready. Ava threatened to tell Colby of their agreement if Adam didn't hand over more money. JR and Amanda were kidnapped. It turned out to be a stunt orchestrated by JR. Amanda was unaware. Julia admitted that she might be pregnant. Jamie was stunned. He was surprised when she turned down his offer of marriage.
June 11 to 15, 2007
The residents of Pine Valley had some life-changing dreams. Adam was determined to come up with the 100 million dollars that JR's "kidnappers" were demanding. Erica suspected that Adam might be the man offering a million dollars to see her divorce with Jack go through. Erica was jealous after Jack met someone he found interesting. Jamie and Babe shared a dream that rekindled old feelings. He confided to Babe that he thought Julia was on the verge of ending their relationship. Greenlee decided to drop the custody suit. Ryan and Kendall took steps to mend broken fences with Greenlee.
June 18 to 22, 2007
JR told Amanda that the kidnapping scheme had been a test. Amanda agreed to be JR's accomplice -- for a price. Adam struck a bargain with Zach to pay the kidnappers. Erica's jealousy began to show when she learned that Jack had a second date planned with a woman. Erica enlisted Tad's help to spy on Jack's date. Things didn't go quite as planned for Erica, and Jack gave her a final ultimatum. Sean tried to force Ava to admit that she had planted the drugs on him. Ava refused until Lily returned home and told her family about a frightening encounter with a man demanding money from her. Jack and Sean quickly realized it was Ava's drug supplier. Jack told Ava to leave his home but to spare Lily's feelings by making sure she made up a believable lie that wouldn't upset Lily. Ava ended up moving into Wildwind. Kendall and Greenlee mended fences by working on new recipes the way that they had when they had first started Fusion. Krystal tried to talk to Adam, but he continued to push her away. Julia broke things off with Jamie and decided to leave town after she realized that she was ready for a family while he was not. Babe and Jamie reminisced about their past.
June 25 to 29, 2007
Ryan made it clear to Greenlee that if it were a choice between her and Annie, he would pick his wife. He told Greenlee that he no longer wanted any contact with her socially. Greenlee vowed that she would not give up on Ryan. Annie misread Ryan's encounter with Greenlee and walked away. JR and Amanda scrambled to find a lead on the missing money. Aidan was hot on their trail. Time ran out for Adam to repay Zach, and Zach took over Adam's empire -- including occupancy of Chandler Mansion. Jamie and Babe celebrated her taking her GED test. Jamie gave her a class ring. The gesture deeply moved Babe. Colby went to Krystal for a job, only to find Ava already working there. The confrontation between the two got messy until Krystal took control and told them that they could both work for her, provided they got along. Jack and Erica reconciled in Erica's hospital room. A nurse captured a passionate kiss between the two on her cell phone.
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JULY 2007
July 2 to 6, 2007
Kendall's attempt to bring the ladies of Fusion together during a Fourth of July "retreat" didn't go quite as planned. Greenlee and Annie continued to be at each other's throats. Colby was shocked to learn that JR planned his own kidnapping. Ava was disappointed that she was passed over for the Face of Fusion in favor of her sister, Lily. Erica made an offer that Jack couldn't refuse. They continued to keep their reconciliation quiet for a bit longer. Erica gave Ryan some relationship advice. Ryan was shocked to learn that Jonathan had a date with Ava. He questioned if it had anything to do with the fact that she looked like Lily. Zach took delight in pushing Adam and JR's buttons since he had gained control of the Chandler empire. Derek and Krystal planned a dinner date. Jonathan and Lily ended up having dinner together at the Yacht Club.
July 9 to 13, 2007
Josh offered to help Greenlee get over Ryan. Ryan assumed that Greenlee slept with Josh. She didn't correct him. Ryan had a business proposition for Zach. Lily was uncomfortable when she witnessed a kiss between Jonathan and Ava. Ava and Jonathan worried about hurting Lily after they made love. Jonathan told Lily the truth when she asked him if he and Ava slept together. She had difficulty dealing with the admission. Ava was thrilled when she was asked to be Fusion's model. Kendall had words of advice for Amanda when she realized that Amanda was involved with JR. Barbara took steps to expose Erica and Jack's reconciliation. Tad asked Krystal to consider living together as friends so that they both could be full-time parents to Jenny. Colby and Krystal learned of JR's kidnapping hoax. Krystal had little sympathy for Adam. Sean opened up to Colby about his feelings.
July 16 to 20, 2007
Ryan and Zach were delayed in Manhattan. Zach was uneasy. Kendall, Babe, Greenlee, and Spike headed to New York in two separate cars. When Kendall was hit by sharp pains, Babe grew concerned. Babe convinced Kendall that she needed to go to the hospital. They pulled over and Greenlee took Spike into her car. Zach and Ryan raced to find a way to get back home when they got word of Kendall's condition. Amanda offered JR a place to stay at Wildwind when he announced that he quit his job with Chandler Enterprises and gave his father his shares. Adam had never felt more alone in his life. Ava shared some difficult truths about Adam with Colby. Tad talked to Colby about Liza. Colby found herself identifying with Ava. Driving behind Babe and Kendall, Greenlee realized that she had a perfect opportunity to claim what should have been hers. She told Spike there was only one way to make things right. She slowed down and turned the car around, driving off in the opposite direction of Kendall and Babe.
July 23 to 27, 2007
Ava bought some drugs and nearly drowned. Adam was on hand to save her. Adam bristled when Krystal reached out to him. He pushed her away, clinging to his anger with tight fists. Kendall's premature labor was stopped, but only temporarily. She went back into labor when she learned that Greenlee kidnapped Spike. Greenlee came to her senses and decided to take Spike back to Pine Valley. Unfortunately, she crashed her car. Greenlee and Spike were in critical condition when they were finally brought to the hospital. Spike was rushed into surgery at the same time that Kendall was. She was horrified when she saw her son on his way to the O.R. Kendall had a baby boy via C-Section minutes later. He was in critical condition and immediately taken to neo-natal intensive care. Derek questioned Greenlee who had Jack at her side.
July 30 to August 3, 2007
Greenlee received a cold reception when she returned to work at Fusion. Kendall and Zach chose a name for their son. They named him Ian. Ava was convinced to wear a wire when she saw Lenny. Jack showed fatherly concern when he worried about Ava's safety. Lenny grew suspicious while nearby, Derek put his team on stand-by, waiting for Ava to say the code word that they agreed on. Ryan was anxious to bring Spike home but Joe insisted on Spike staying in the hospital a bit longer. Greenlee decided to go to the hospital to apologize to Spike. Kendall walked in and the two ended up trading heated words. Zach stood in the doorway and noticed that Spike was wide awake, but oblivious to the raised voices.
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August 6 to 10, 2007
Ryan and Kendall were devastated when Joe informed them that Spike was deaf. They hoped that surgery could help him. Aidan intervened when he found Greenlee lurking in the hospital. Aidan forced Greenlee to look at the damage that she had caused. Kendall's reluctance to get close to Ian stemmed from her feelings of guilt over the premature delivery. Lenny held JR and Ava hostage while their loved ones gathered behind police lines, anxiously waiting for things to play out. Eventually, JR and Ava managed to distract Lenny long enough to get the gun away from him and gain the upper hand. Krystal moved in with Tad. Stuart offered Adam the opportunity to pose as him so that Adam could spend time with Colby.
August 13 to 17, 2007
Things were strained between Annie and her father when she turned to him for help with Spike. Her father, who was deaf, refused to help Annie in any way. Annie told Ryan about the visit. He asked her to help him learn sign language. Annie received an unsettling phone call. Di ended things with Aidan when she told him that she has taken a position for Fusion in New York. Jack and Erica made love. They were shocked when they saw a recent argument between them being aired on television. Jack was convinced that Erica was behind it. Jack offered Greenlee advice. Greenlee secretly arranged for a specialist to review Spike's case. He offered Kendall hope. Zach cautioned Kendall to give Spike some time to heal. Kendall reluctantly agreed, but then quickly questioned Joe about how soon Spike could be released. Ian developed a hemorrhage on the brain and required immediate surgery. Ryan arrived for a visit with Spike, only to find him gone.
August 20 to 24, 2007
Ryan finally tracked Kendall and Spike down at Dr. Hilliard's office. He rejected the idea of alternative medicine. Zach was furious with Kendall when she returned to the hospital. He wondered if she even wanted to be Ian's mother. Annie appeared to have reservations about Spike living with them until Kendall got back on her feet. Kendall had a difficult time coping with everything. She approached a mother in a hospital room, bonding with her newborn, and tearfully told the woman that she didn't have her babies. The mother was uncomfortable when Kendall pleaded with her to hold her baby. Jamie had an amazing opportunity that would take him far from home. Babe was heartbroken to see Jamie leave. Ava decided to get some publicity by kissing Amanda in public. Aidan paid Dr. Hilliard a visit just as Greenlee left the doctor's office.
August 27 to 31, 2007
Jamie left Pine Valley. Krystal thrw Tad a special birthday party to help cheer him up. Both were unsettled after a kiss. Colby was surprised to learn that Tad and Liza had a history. Jackson agreed to sign as Erica's co-host on her show. Annie received a gift of a watch with a note that read, "Our anniversary is coming soon. What are you going to get me?" It left Annie quite shaken. Annie had disturbing dreams. She decided to confront her father and begged him to make everything stop...the phone calls, gifts, and messages. At Kendall's insistence, Dr. Hilliard agreed to treat Spike without Ryan and Zach's consent. He gave Kendall organic drops for Spike.
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September 3 to 7, 2007
Greenlee was embarrassed by her one-night stand with Aidan. She warned him to keep quiet. Later, Greenlee appeared disappointed when Aidan only wanted friendship. Annie didn't appreciate Ryan snooping into her past and learning about her father's accident. Kendall admitted that she was having Spike treated by Dr. Hilliard. She remained in deep denial about Spike's prognosis. Ryan was furious when he learned about what Kendall had done behind his back. Adam posed as Stuart and made some surprising discoveries. Ava and Jonathan were unaware that their intimate moment was captured by the paparazzi. Josh and Julia buried the hatchet. Annie finally opened up to Ryan about her past. She admitted that she sent her brother to prison for a crime he didn't commit in the hopes of getting him the medical help he needed. She went on to tell him that her mother committed suicide as a resul
September 10 to 14, 2007
A few of Pine Valley's residents took a moment to remember those who died on 9/11. Greenlee was rattled when Ryan produced proof that he was having her watched every minute of the day until she left Pine Valley. Greenlee was infuriated when she suspected Aidan of being one or Ryan's spies. He denied the accusation and pointed out one of Ryan's operatives. Kendall finally got to hold Ian and rock him. The precious moment was tarnished by Greenlee's presence. Zach confronted Greenlee and bitter words were exchanged. Ava learned that she was not pregnant but suffering from appendicitis. Jonathan wasn't interested in hearing anything JR had to say about Ava's career. Erica and Jack decided to use their show as a form of therapy to help their marriage. Aidan began to question Annie's forthrightness. Ryan went to talk to Annie's brother, only to learn that he'd been released. He was shocked to learn that the prison psychologist believed in Richie's innocence. Ryan was outraged when the doctor suggested that it was Annie who might be the one who was mentally unstable. Zach walked into his office to find Hannah sitting in his chair. Kendall decided to go talk to Greenlee.
September 17 to 21, 2007
Kendall had secret plans for Greenlee. Zach wasn't happy to see Hannah and warned her to leave Kendall alone. Josh had a similar warning for his ex-lover. Annie was upset when she learned that Richie had been released from prison. Ryan and Annie decided that it would be safer for all to move back to the penthouse until Richie was found. JR realized that Adam wanted Krystal back. Krystal grew suspicious when Jenny stopped crying upon seeing Adam. Tad and Julia bonded over Kathy. Jonathan told Ava that he didn't want any children because of his past. Aidan kissed Greenlee at the Comeback to show her just how much he cared for her. Wes rescued Babe's at the Comeback. JR and Ava shared a hot kiss. Kendall watched as Erica interviewed a ten-year-old deaf boy for her show, New Beginnings.
September 24 to 28, 2007
Erica was alarmed after she overheard a conversation between Kendall and Greenlee. Kendall reluctantly told Erica that it was all part of a plan to get rid of Greenlee for good. Erica was worried that Kendall's plan would backfire. Greenlee and Aidan worked together to try to get the personal effects of the man who was in prison with Richie. Aidan realized that Annie was right about her brother. Babe and Wes grew closer. Krystal admitted that she had feelings for Adam. Colby felt Adam should forgive Krystal. Zach and Hannah joined forces to oust Greenlee from Fusion. Zach had a proposition for JR.
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October 1 to 5, 2007
JR teamed up with Zach to drive Greenlee out of Fusion. Aidan refused Greenlee's offer of help with the investigation of Annie's brother. Greenlee thought it was because Aidan believed she had lingering feelings for Ryan. Erica has a change of heart and begged Kendall to give up her plans for Greenlee. Kendall pretended to comply with her mother's wishes to calm Erica's fears. Kendall called Bianca to enlist her help in getting Erica out of town for a while. Babe grew closer to Wes. When Kathy became ill and Julia was unable to reach Annie, Babe took Emma into her care. Wes, Babe, little Adam, and Emma were stranded in a cabin during a rainstorm. Annie was frantic when she learned that Wes was with Emma. Everyone gathered at the Comeback as they waited for the storm to let up so that they could get to Babe and the children. They were shocked when Babe and Wes showed up at the Comeback shortly after the storm let up. Babe and the children were unharmed. Hannah opened up to Zach and told him that she suffered a breakdown while she was gone. Josh and Kendall walked into Zach's office as he was hugging Hannah, offering her comfort. Kendall and Josh were suspicious. Later, Hannah told Josh what he wanted to hear and they ended up making love.
October 8 to 12, 2007
Babe got a new look. Jonathan and Ava got engaged. Ava and JR couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Richie managed to turn the tables on Ryan and Aidan as the police closed in. Aidan and Ryan were arrested for attempted murder. Richie quickly recovered from his injuries and surprised everyone when he cleared Ryan and Aidan of any wrongdoing. Richie showed his true self during an ugly confrontation with Ryan. Kendall's resolve to continue with her plan was strengthened when she was assailed by memories of seeing Spike rushed to surgery following the car accident with Greenlee. Kendall continued to make disturbing entries in Greenlee's journal. Aidan grew suspicious of Kendall when Greenlee told her that they were making strides in mending their friendship. Annie and Ryan lured Richie into a trap, but things took a tragic turn when Ryan accidentally shot Annie.
October 15 to 19, 2007
Kendall forced Greenlee to relive the accident that cost Spike his hearing. Greenlee gave her every gut-wrenching detail until Greenlee couldn't take any more and called a halt to the questioning. Kendall assured Greenlee that their talk helped. Ava went to extreme measures to force Fusion to let her out of her contract. Her radical haircut had the opposite effect from what she intended. Amanda was not happy with JR's obsession with Ava. Adam and Krystal had heated words about their relationship and where they stood with each other. Ryan gave Richie a job. Richie decided to celebrate. Annie became alarmed when Emma came downstairs with a tummy ache after eating a brownie that her Uncle Richie secretly gave her. She decided to take Emma to the hospital. After Annie put Spike in a stroller, the three went to the elevator. They were frightened when the elevator suddenly jerked to a halt and the lights went out.
October 22 to 26, 2007
Josh bowed out of helping Zach deal with Greenlee. He refused to repeat the sins of his father. Aidan was suspicious after he found Kendall in Greenlee's apartment. Greenlee told Aidan about JR's claims that her embryos were not destroyed in the blackout. Aidan cautioned Greenlee about taking everything they were discovering at face value. Annie and Ryan realized that they couldn't keep living in fear of Richie and what he would do next. Ryan shocked his wife with the announcement that he gave her brother a job. Ryan explained it was an attempt to keep Richie under surveillance. Richie was amazed by Lily. Babe made a surprising discovery about the state of Richie's health. After waking up in Adam's bed, Krystal set him straight about where they stood. Adam threatened to expose Hannah's affair with Alexander Cambias if she did not continue helping him sabotage Zach. Amanda reminded JR that she wanted the money that he owed her.
October 29 to November 2, 2007
Greenlee and Aidan grew closer. She found peace when she decided that having Ryan's baby would be wrong. Aidan and Zach reached an agreement in regards to Greenlee. Unfortunately, Greenlee was not safe from Kendall. Even a timely visit from Simone didn't keep Kendall from carrying out her plans to have Greenlee committed to an institution. Erica had an opportunity to save Greenlee but didn't take it. She enjoyed what she knew would be one of her last happy evenings with Jack. Krystal tried to impress upon Babe that getting involved with Richie would be a huge mistake. JR struggled with his sobriety when Zach made the shocking decision to back out of their deal to oust Greenlee from Fusion. JR and Babe found themselves in a passionate embrace.
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November 5 to 9, 2007
Ryan and Annie were told that Richie's blood tested positive for leukemia. Richie managed to render the pilot unconscious. Ryan saved the day by successfully landing the plane as ground control talked him through it. Ryan realized he couldn't have Richie arrested without opening himself up to kidnapping charges. Zach figured out Kendall's scheme when he heard her accuse Greenlee of trying to kidnap Spike. Kendall didn't deny it later when Zach confronted her with his suspicions. He confessed to his own aborted plans for Greenlee. Jack realized quickly that Erica knew Kendall had been plotting Greenlee's downfall. Aidan and Jack teamed up together to try to help Greenlee. JR was hurt when Babe dismissed their night of passion as a big mistake. JR fell off the wagon. Tad warned Krystal that he would never allow Jenny to live in Adam's home. Krystal thought a restraining order against Adam would help her fight temptation. It didn't. Greenlee told Ryan about the claims JR made regarding her fertilized eggs. Ryan was shocked and went to confront Zach, demanding answers. Joe confronted Erica after learning she tried to have Greenlee committed. Greenlee stunned everyone when she pleaded guilty. Kendall was overcome with guilt and determined to tell the truth. Lily made a date with Richie.
November 12 to 16, 2007
Kendall feared for her the safety of her sons when she learned that Greenlee had escaped. Zach was worried about Kendall's mental state. Tensions mounted between the couple and Zach walked out on Kendall during an argument. Erica urged Kendall to make peace with Zach. A chance encounter with Lily sent Zach on a quest to mend his relationship with his wife. Unfortunately, their timing was off and each missed the other by moments as they try to get together and talk things out. Tad caught Hannah reading a private text message from Aidan to Tad. Hannah confessed that Zach wanted her to keep an eye on Tad. Hannah also opened up about how Adam was blackmailing her. Adam's attempt to woo Krystal to move in with him failed miserably when Tad raised his objections. Adam was crushed when Colby declined his invitation to move back in. Julia had advice for Greenlee and Aidan when she discovered them hiding at Wildwind. Richie told Babe that he was dying. Amanda was hurt when JR drunkenly admitted that he slept with Babe. Ryan got a call from a man named Tom Brennan who had proof of Richie's homicidal ways. Ryan learned too late that Richie had been intercepting his emails. Ryan and Jonathan raced to Tom's house, fearing Richie was already on his way. Richie stole JR's car and, in his rush to get to Tom before Ryan, hit Zach, who was stranded on the side of the road. Richie quickly scooped up Zach, who was seriously injured, and put him in the car. Later, he pushed Zach out of the speeding car on an isolated stretch of road. Greenlee found Zach and reluctantly helped him, but the rescue did not go smoothly. Greenlee and Zach found peril in the woods.
November 19 to 23, 2007
Zach and Greenlee fell into an abandoned bomb shelter. Zach sustained more injuries and Greenlee was slow to recover. Greenlee was forced to help stabilize Zach to buy them some time before help arrived. Kendall was desperate to find Zach. JR admitted that he was drunk and had a blackout, but insisted that he did not run over Zach. He took steps to have his car disposed of. Kendall turned the evidence over to Derek but it was not enough to arrest JR. Annie figured out Richie's weakness was Babe. She was convinced they could use Babe to uncover Richie's agenda. Colby tried to mediate a truce between Tad and her father. Kendall decided to bring Ian home despite Zach not being there for the momentous occasion. Richie was determined to find Zach. He went in search of him. Although weakened by his illness, he managed to find Greenlee and Zach. Aidan continued to search for Greenlee in the woods. Krystal had a blended family Thanksgiving at the Comeback. Erica welcomed Celine Dion to New Beginnings.
November 26 to 30, 2007
Richie gave Greenlee and Zach hope before snatching it away and sealing them into the bomb shelter. Greenlee's claustrophobia got the best of her, forcing Zach to resort to extreme measures to get her to end her panic attack. Zach's condition deteriorated and he began to hallucinate. Believing Greenlee was Kendall, Zach revealed some startling truths, including that Kendall wanted to confess during Greenlee's hearing. Aidan was closer to finding Greenlee than he knew. Babe resented Annie trying to use her as bait to get to Richie. She agreed to help Annie but only to clear Richie's name. Richie was admitted to the hospital and made a false deathbed confession of all of his crimes. He asked Annie to end his suffering but Annie refused. Richie was secretly thrilled when he learned that JR had been arrested. Jonathan questioned Ava's relationship with JR. The evidence against JR mounted. JR admitted that he blacked out and there was a possibility that he did run Zach over. Tad was proud that JR was trying to do the right thing, even though he was disappointed that JR had been drinking again. Ava didn't believe JR was guilty. Joe told Jack what Erica did to get Greenlee committed. Jack told Erica that it was over between them and that he no longer loved her. Amanda paid Janet a visit and was sad to see Janet suffering memory lapses on the new medication she was taking. Ryan was suspicious when Richie's prison psychiatrist paid Richie a visit.
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December 3 to 7, 2007
Ava's unconventional methods to help JR had the opposite effect. JR questioned her motives and pushed her to admit that it was because she felt something for him. JR agreed to let Livia represent him. Greenlee and Zach worked together to try to free themselves. They had a new understanding of things as they talked about recent events. Erica and Kendall asked Aidan and Tad for help, but Aidan was unmoved by anything Kendall had to say. He made it clear to her that his only interest was in finding Greenlee. Tad gave voice to his suspicions that Zach and Greenlee's disappearances were connected. Kendall had a dream about Greenlee and Zach in the woods. Annie's father got to know Emma. They bonded rather quickly. Richie was less than pleased when he realized that his father might be softening toward Annie and her family. Lily was very upset when she realized that Richie didn't even know her name. Jack came home to find Lily catatonic after she overheard a conversation between Richie and Dr. Chambers. Jack turned to Julia for help, and Julia managed to get Lily to start uttering the word 'murder'. Krystal's decision to spend the night with Adam, who was upset about JR, infuriated Tad. Tad and Hannah kissed. Tad was livid when he saw JR holding Jenny after Krystal had a hand injury attended to at the hospital.
December 10 to 14, 2007
Aidan and Kendall agreed to work together to find Zach and Greenlee. A snake bit Greenlee. Ryan had Richie committed, and Richie met Janet there. Jonathan was the only one able to calm Lily. Ava was unsettled by their obvious connection. Spike got a cochlear implant. Joe explained that Spike's hearing loss was not a result of the accident as first believed, so the implant might not be the success that Kendall and Ryan hoped it would be. Things heated up between Tad and Krystal. Tad took steps to keep Jenny safe from Adam. He filed for full custody. Amanda struck a bargain with Adam. She provided JR with an airtight alibi in exchange for a small fortune. Adam decided to keep the contents of the DVD to himself when JR was released into his custody but rejected his overtures of peace. Adam made an interesting discovery about Kate.
December 17 to 21, 2007
Kendall and Aidan made love. Both were filled with regret afterwards but there was little time to focus on that when Kendall made a surprising discovery. A map led Aidan and Kendall to the bomb shelter. They were soon joined by Quentin, who helped them to rescue Zach and Greenlee. Both were unconscious and were rushed to the hospital. Zach woke up and told Kendall that Greenlee saved his life. Greenlee's condition was much graver. She went into cardiac arrest as a result of extreme dehydration, which has also shut down her kidneys. Richie managed to escape and ended up on Babe's doorstep. He was soon taken back into custody and was at the hospital when Zach and Greenlee were brought in. JR's memories returned. Father Clarence helped Tad and Krystal find a compromise. He also paid Adam a visit, reminding him that he had two very important gifts that he could give.
December 24 to 28, 2007
A private investigator came looking for Dre. He claimed to work for the family and left a message with the teens that Dre lived with that Dre's father wass looking for him. Krystal and Tad had surprising news. They were married. Adam, on the verge of revealing where Kate was, decided to keep quiet. Krystal wanted a real marriage and asked Tad to make love to her. Greenlee's condition took a miraculous turn and she began to improve. Greenlee was brought to tears when she heard that she was not responsible for Spike's hearing loss. Kendall and Greenlee opened up and mended fences. Zach credited Greenlee with saving his life. Kendall confessed to Derek that she set up Greenlee. JR was stunned to learn that Adam paid Amanda off. Bianca returned home with Miranda to celebrate the holidays. She told Babe that she and Zoe were over, but remained friends. Jack and Erica received invitations. Hannah fantasized about Zach.
December 31, 2007 to January 4, 2008
As the New Year rang in, Kendall felt compelled to start it off with a clear conscience. She turned herself in to the police and made a full confession. Greenlee came to Kendall's defense. The judge gave Kendall five years probation and a number of hours of community service. Hannah was stunned by the news. Her obsession with Zach grew, as did her frustration. Hannah visited Adam and told him that she had decided to end their partnership. She handed Adam back his company. Josh questioned Hannah's recent business decisions. Kendall and Aidan were resolved to put what had happened between them in the past. Hannah took matters into her own hands and, using a high-powered rifle, shot at Kendall. Ryan managed to knock Kendall out of the way at the last minute and was struck by a bullet. JR turned to Babe and opened up about how Adam once again had betrayed him. Babe was sympathetic. Richie tricked Annie into visiting him. Richie was not happy when he saw Babe walk in with Annie. Richie continued to play his games with Annie, determined to follow through with his plans. Those plans were put on hold when his doctor made a surprising announcement.
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